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Seth Pendli Aaron (Seth Aaron Pendley)




2021: Arrest in connection with the plan to blow up one of the AWS data centers

In April, 2021 28-year-old Seth Aaron Pendli who wanted to blow up one of date-centrovamazon of Web Services (AWS) was arrested to cause global failure of the Internet. The suspect was detained after he bought C-4 explosives from an undercover FBI agent, which he wanted to use to detonate servers.

According to the investigation, the man planned to plant explosives in the data center in Virginia. Pendley explained his desire by the fact that, in his opinion, Amazon facilities are served by the FBI, the CIA and other federal agencies.

According to the US Department of Justice, Pendley, during the preparation of the attack, hoped with his actions to "destroy about 70% of the entire Internet." Apparently, he believed that the network was designed in such a way that the destruction of one data center would lead to just such consequences.

Arrested Seth Aaron Pendley, who tried to blow up the Amazon data center

As for the arrest, the FBI drew attention to Pendley when he shared his plans in one of the forums. The FBI received a message from a citizen who spoke about "disturbing" posts in one of the forums. The source also provided the bureau with an electronic address associated with the author of the publications and registered with Pendley.

After that, Pendley was taken to a secret FBI agent who handed over a fictitious bomb to the failed terrorist, after which an arrest was made.

On Facebook, Pendley wrote that he captured the Capitol on January 6, 2021. A nearby terrorist was figured out and arrested at a front meeting. If the court pleads guilty, the guy faces up to 20 years in prison.

The investigation was conducted by employees of the FBI branch in Dallas and the joint FBI counter-terrorist group in North Texas. The prosecution against Pendley is led by Assistant US Attorney Robert Boudreau of the Northern District of Texas, assisted by Court Attorney Alexandra Hughes of the Office of National Security.[1]
