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Ukratlantik (1C:Enterprise 8)

Customers: Ukratlantik

Odessa; Mechanical engineering and instrument making

Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2009/09

The Ukratlantik company is one of the largest enterprises of Odessa region and is engaged in production of electric water-heating devices. Ukratlantik is a part of the international commercial and industrial group "Atlantic Groupe".

"Atlantic Groupe" was based in France in the city La Roche-sur-Jón in 1968 and today is the leader and one of the major companies of Europe on production of devices of electric heating. Every year at the plants of group more than two and a half million devices of electric heating are manufactured.

The Atlantic Groupe company selects on average 2.5% of the net volume of sales for research and development that allows it to make the significant contribution to development of advanced technologies. Based on satisfaction of requests of the client, products of the Atlantic Groupe brand is a quality synonym. This reputation is provided with products which consider requirements of end users to comfort and reliability but, the main thing – to service quality.

Due to business development and opening of the new enterprise in Ukraine, before company management there was a question of the organization of an effective information system. As engineering, production and logistic information systems the checked and well proved hardware-software solutions implemented at all enterprises of Group were used.

Creation of a financial and economic IT system, was decided to perform using software products based on the 1C Platform 8.1. Automation became the main objectives of implementation:

  • financial and tax accounting;
  • accounting according to IFRS for the purposes of drawing up the consolidated statements of Group in France;
  • personnel records and payroll;
  • management accounting, planning, budgeting and economic analysis;
  • integration of a financial and economic system with the systems of inventory, material and production control.

Achievement of the highest level of performance and reliability of a system became a key condition of automation. Such approach should provide economy of labor and financial resources of the company in the future.

Accomplishment of this condition would be impossible without completion and coincidence tuning under specific objectives of finished software products. For this purpose the company management of Ukratlantik addressed to the Odessa branch of 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT). 5 software products which are most considering requirements and specifics of activity of Ukratlantik were selected and purchased namely: "1C:8 Client-server"; "1C: Accounting 8", "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8", "IFRS BIT", "1C: Client-Bank 8". Using employees "1C: Accounting and Trade" these products were installed and integrated among themselves.

On initial stage of the project of automation, specialists "1C: Accounting and Trade" (BIT) provided personnel training of the customer to work with a system. In a month after training, a system arrived on production use. Following project stage there was a deep completion and adaptation of a system under needs of the customer. This stage of completion took one year.

The new information system integrated and automated work of the following departments of the enterprise:

  • financial and administrative;
  • economical;
  • HR department;
  • department of supply and delivery;
  • service of operation and repair of the equipment;
  • head office in France.

A common information space excluded need of double entry of primary data and the normative reference information in a system that allowed to reduce the need for personnel and reduced the probability of mismatch of these different reference books.

Automation of production accounting and setup of a system for calculation of product cost by Direct Cost method allowed to obtain operational cost data of the enterprise, to analyze them and to make management decisions. Taking into account wishes of the company the 1C: Accounting 8 program included the module allowing to trace and estimate cost value by separate types of products according to all budget items of costs. As a result of it the management can obtain data on cost of production of each product, based on real, but not estimated costs.

Thanks to implementation of a possibility of accounting according to IFRS according to uniform account policy of Group, it was succeeded to automate completely process of broadcasting and transformation of financial statements. By means of the transit file of the set format which generates accounting module 1C data are directly loaded into the program for drawing up the consolidated statements of Group by head office (the software product on the Oracle platform).

Specialists of the Odessa branch of 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) perform information and technology maintenance of an automated system now.

The financial manager - the chief accountant of Ukratlantik company Bezukhov Pavel Petrovich noted: "Effective management of the modern enterprise is possible only provided that management quickly obtains information, necessary for decision making. Achievement of this purpose is means implementation of modern accounting information systems in which the key part is assigned to accounting as to a universal method of registration and synthesis of economic data.

Our company stopped the choice on software products of the 1C: Enterprise 8.1 family as modern, the most adapted to requirements of the Ukrainian legislation regarding business and tax accounting. The software based on "1C: Enterprise 8.1" has the sufficient "flexibility" which allowed to customize a system under all our requirements, to integrate it with other products. The efficiency of a support and maintenance, ease in mastering and relative low cost of implementation put products 1C out of competition in the segment of the market of information systems for business.

Use of the implemented system based on "1C: Enterprise 8.1" allowed us to increase quality of disclosure of management information, to minimize costs of time for any drawing up the reporting and calculation of financial performance, to improve knowledge of the management and all responsible services.

The success of the project was appreciated by management of head office of the company in France. We thank specialists of 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) for cooperation and professionalism in work".