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Microsoft updated Windows applications of Live

03.06.10, 12:55, Msk

Microsoft this week announced a series of the innovative solutions which will appear in Windows Live in the near future: it applications for editing photos, video and storage of files.

As since the beginning of this year of any significant updates of Windows it was not made, the corporation hopes that updated Windows Live positively it will affect sales of the Windows 7 operating system.

In the coming months of updating of Windows Live Photo Gallery, Windows Live Movie Maker, Windows Live Mail and Windows Live Sync will be available in the beta, do not report a bigger reality in the company.

The new version of Windows Live Photo Gallery will be supplied with editing function of group of images and determinations of persons and also removals of errors in the image in the form of, for example, cracks. Now from Photo Gallery it will be possible to select the most successful fragment from a series of pictures and to transfer it to other photo. Also the program will allow to import photos from Facebook together with marks and tags.

Updates of Movie Maker include possibilities of loading of videos in Facebook, unloadings dannykhphoto Gallery and new subjects. Both programs will not work with Windows XP, only with later versions - Windows Vista and Windows 7.

New Windows Live Sync will allow to share files with unlimited number of users both the PC, and Mac, however, the volume of storage will be limited to 2 GB. Users of Live Mesh will receive 5 GB of "cloud" space for data storage, however, this service will not be mass, unlike Live Sync.