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At the London retailer NetSuite "forced out" Sage and

04.06.07, 16:10, Msk

The London company Totally Fitness which is engaged in retail sales of the equipment for fitness stops use of the back office Sage Line 50 system integrated with a SFA system from and passes to the NetSuite system for management of finance, the equipment, stocks, customer informations and also for obtaining the reporting in real time.

The company was engaged in retail 2002, and soon the number of its shops grew to five. Then the company management came to a conclusion that the management system for stocks and accounting on the Sage platform does not cope with the tasks. Led impossibility to provide high-quality aftersales service of clients to returns of faulty goods and loss of a considerable part of means. Such situation arose because the Sage system initially intended for accounting, and in it many functions necessary for customer service were not implemented. In particular, the functionality of processing of returns of goods in a system was not in general. Employees had to enter a part of data (the specification of goods) twice – in documents on sales and in purchasing documents. Also in a system work with several warehouses was not supported. Besides, transition from use of the only warehouse to work with many storage locations caused difficulties in ensuring correct work of the client-server architecture of Sage Line 50.

As a result the company refused use of old software and made the decision on transition to the configured SuiteFlexTM platform from NetSuite. After some adaptation of the software, the company replicated it on all six branches. Now a new system is used by more than 25 employees.