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Britain forced to purchase quantum computing technologies in the United States

Customers: British Government

Contractors: IBM

Project date: 2021/06

In early June 2021, the UK government and IBM announced plans for a five-year collaboration in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing. Funding for the project will amount to $297.5 million, which IBM will spend on the development of technologies for the partner, applicable in a variety of fields, from research to production.

The program will employ 60 scientists, as well as interns and students to work under the auspices of IBM Research and the UK Science and Technology Council (STFC) at the Hartree Center in Darsbury (Cheshire). The newly created Hartree National Center for Digital Innovation (HNCDI) will "leverage AI, high-performance computing (HPC) and data analytics, quantum computing, and cloud technology" for versatile research in areas such as new materials development and environmental sustainability. IBM will also provide access to its commercial and experimental AI products and tools to work in areas such as scaling, automation, and supply chain logistics.

Britain forced to purchase quantum computing technologies in the United States
Artificial intelligence and quantum computing can revolutionize all aspects of our lives, from travel to shopping. These are exactly the areas in which I want to see the UK as a new leader, "announced British Science Secretary Amanda Solloway.

The Hartree Center was opened in 2012 by the STFC British Research and Innovation Department as a center for high-performance computing, data analysis and AI research. The Hartree Center brings together more than 150 global organizations, from Fortune 500 companies to startups. The new program is being launched as part of the IBM Discovery Accelerator initiative to "accelerate discovery and innovation based on the convergence of advanced technologies" in research centers, and the first IBM Discovery Accelerator research center in Europe will be the Hartree Center.[1]
