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IBM purchased provider of web analytics


16.06.10, 12:20, Msk

IBM announced fast closing of the transaction on purchase of provider of "cloud" BI solutions Coremetrics. The functionality of these solutions will be integrated into own analytical line of corporation.

IBM announced purchase of Coremetrics company, provider of web analytics, terms of transaction are not disclosed yet. Obviously, the Coremetrics applications will fill up a BI portfolio of corporation.

The private company which is based in the Californian San Mateo offers Coremetrics a number of "cloud" services which are intended for improvement of marketing strategy and promotion of brands for the market. The service allows the companies to receive personal recommendations and e-mails from the clients, and then to generalize and analyze these data and so on. Among clients of Coremetrics - Bank of America, Holiday Inn, Victoria's Secret, Virgin Atlantic Airways and other large companies.

Recently IBM in a hurry bought the companies in the majority specializing in data management. In May, for example, it was announced acquisition of the "cloud" data provider of Cast Iron and also middleware provider under the name Sterling Commerce.

Having announced the transaction with Coremetrics, IBM at the same time provided results of the research conducted among Chief information officers. It agrees to the data obtained in its course, 82% of the CEO expressed desire to use the technologies promoting bigger understanding customer needs.

As a result of the transaction of all 230 employees of Coremetrics will pass into IBM. Software belonging to the company will be integrated into a middleware-line of "the blue giant". It is expected that the transaction will be closed later this year.

"Coremetrics will expand possibilities of solutions of IBM for a business intelligence", - the chief manager of middleware of the direction of corporation Craig Hayman said. Using "cloud" model", Coremetrics will allow clients of the company "receive interactive customer relation and learn more about their expectations" by e-mail and social networks, he said.

Besides, according to him, the BI direction of IBM develops in high gear. In the last five years of IBM invested $ dollars 11 billion in this area, having concluded 18 bargains on purchase of different players. Now in corporation 5 thousand people are engaged in development of analytical applications. Coremetrics – 90ya on the account the company purchased by corporation since 2003 Hyman said.

According to the analyst of Forrester Joe Stanhope, purchase of Coremetics will become one more piece of a mosaic which is collected by IBM. "The company has a quite good reputation and an excellent product", - he added.

It is said in the official statement of IBM that analytical solutions of Coremetrics will be integrated with the IBM WebSphere application server. According to Stenkhop, it would be interesting if corporations decided to build in this functionality the Cognos platform also.