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DI Square


Information technology
Since 2007
4th Floor, Sasazuka Centre Building, 2-1-6 Sasazuka, Shibuya-ku, 151-0073, Japan


Di Square Corp. was founded on August 1, 2007 as a result of the business integration of the information systems division of Daizo Corporation and Intelligent Square Corp.

Successful as an IBM business partner, providing customers with engineering and business solutions based on IBM system products for PLM based on 3D CAD.

As a business policy, improves and extends the areas that Daizo Information Systems Division and Intelligent Square worked on. One of them is in the field of engineering solutions. In addition to improving the solutions in the field PLM presented by CAD///, CAM CAE PDM Di Square also improved and diversified the solutions for ALM, which is an indispensable area of ​ ​ management for software electronic management in modern society.


2021: Sale of PLM and ALM Businesses to Accenture

On July 14, 2021, Accenture announced the acquisition of part of DI Square's business to use its consulting expertise in product lifecycle management (PLM) systems and applications (ALM ).

This will expand Accenture's engineering expertise in automotive and other industries in Japan and the world.

Under the terms of the deal, Accenture will gain access to DI Square know-how related to the development of PLM and ALM systems, contracts with current customers, and will also accept about 70 DI Square specialists on the team. They will join the Industry X Accenture group in Japan, which helps customers digitalize basic processes that include the design, development, production and maintenance of smart products.

DI Square expertise will allow Accenture to create solutions to optimize engineering processes at all stages, from conceptual design to integration, operation and maintenance. Together with Accenture expertise in AI and the creation of digital doubles, such solutions will help industrial companies become more efficient and competitive.

Manufacturing companies must digitally transform not only the enterprise itself, but also the entire value chain, "said Shinichiro Kohno, managing director and head of Accenture Industry X in Japan. - The opportunities we will gain from DI Square will extend our expertise in PLM and ALM at the interface of engineering and manufacturing. Manufacturing companies need support in these areas and we want to be their partners in digital transformation using the potential of data and digital technologies.

Accenture and DI Square will also create a permanent alliance to enable customers to "batch" purchase licenses for ON and equipment as part of the implementation of PLM and ALM solutions.

The acquisition of the DI Square PLM business is the last deal in July 2021, in a series of investments by Accenture aimed at strengthening the direction of Industry X worldwide.

Accenture relies on the growth of Industry X and an essential condition for rapid growth is the expansion of expertise and deeper immersion in subject areas, which is precisely what such acquisitions give, "said Anton Epishev, head of Industry X Accenture in Russia.

This is one of the areas that it builds to develop, "added Anton Epishev.