Customers: Center for Coordination of Digital Economy Projects of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Nizhny Novgorod; Information Technology Contractors: Omega, St. Petersburg Product: IT GURU: Data Integration Bus. EducationSecond product: 1C: Public Institution Accounting Department Third product: 1C: Payroll and personnel of the state institution 8 Project date: 2019/01 - 2022/12
Number of licenses: 700
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2022: Modernization of the Unified United Financial System of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
Omega.Future on February 1, 2023 announced that it had modernized the "Unified United Financial System of the Nizhny Novgorod Region."
The modernization project in 2022 covered 165 institutions, the number of accompanied institutions increased to 588, and the number of automated jobs increased to 2000.
According to Omega.Future, as a result of the modernization, the transition to domestic software was carried out, financial (-10%) and labor (-10%) costs for maintaining and maintaining information systems were reduced, management reporting was accelerated (50%), up-to-date information for managers became available online.
In total, during the modernization, 8 software products based on 1C were introduced into the financial and management accounting system of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, integration with federal information systems and automation of centralized accounting and formation of consolidated reporting were ensured. Single login through a browser or thin client has become available to users, the cloud solution is implemented on the basis of Fresh technology.
2020: Creation of a unified financial data platform of the Nizhny Novgorod region
Creation of a single platform financial data Nizhny Novgorod region for combining financial flows state and municipal procurement, budget planning and execution, accounting and personnel accounting into a single information space. 140 institutions have switched from various third-party versions 1C: Enterprise and programs to a comprehensive solution based on cloudy data publishing technology 1C:Fresh and platform: 1C Enterprise using configurations and 1C: Public Institution Accounting Department 1C: Payroll and personnel of a state institution.
As of July 2021, another 250 state institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod Region are connected to the System. The information and analytical system of financial and accounting accounting and 1C: Planning and Financial Management are also being implemented. As a subsystem of information interaction of the System software products, the own development of Omega LLC - IT-GURU is used.
Project Objectives and Objectives
The main goals of the creation of the Unified United Financial System of the Nizhny Novgorod Region:
- improving the efficiency of public administration in the field of the budgetary process in terms of planning and execution of budgets and management of state/municipal purchases;
- optimization of expenses for annual support and licensing support of automated budget accounting software;
- improving the quality of budget and financial statements;
- reduction of labor costs for collection of legally relevant information;
- providing real-time monitoring of financial indicators of state institutions.
The information system was created to achieve the goals provided for in paragraph 3.1.11 of the plan for the implementation of the state program "Information Society of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" for 2019 and the planning period 2020- 2021, namely: "3.1.11. Creation of a unified platform of financial data of the region for combining financial flows of state and municipal procurement, planning and execution of the budget, accounting and personnel accounting into a single information space. "
Project Objectives:
- establishment of uniform rules for maintaining personnel, budgetary (accounting), tax and management accounting;
- automation of centralized accounting and formation of consolidated reporting;
- normalization of reference information;
- integration of the System with federal information systems;
- comprehensive methodological support for users of software products.
The situation before the start of the project
Before the creation of the state information system "Unified United Financial System of the Nizhny Novgorod Region," accounting in institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod Region was carried out separately, in various 1C products and third-party software products. The use of various software products that do not interact with each other in any way made accounting much more difficult. The budget (accounting) process had low efficiency of management decision-making and high costs for maintaining budget (accounting) accounting and reporting. Centralized accounting and consolidated reporting were performed manually. Information and technological inconsistency between the executive bodies of state power and subordinate institutions led to the duplication of homogeneous information in various systems and an increase in the time for the implementation of accounting functions.
The lack of a unified methodology of budgetary (accounting), tax, personnel, management accounting led to the difficulty of comparing and analyzing data for the region as a whole. There was a need to maintain a large number of accounting software products.
Solution Architecture and Project Scale
The unified united financial system of the Nizhny Novgorod region is based on the following solutions:
- accounting - "1C: Public Institution Accounting Department";
- personnel accounting, calculation and accrual of wages - "1C: Payroll and personnel of a state institution";
- budget process - ACK Planning, ACK Finance, ACK Goskaz;
- Planning and Financial Management - 1C: Planning and Financial Management for State Institutions;
- information interaction - IT-GURU;
- information and analytical system of financial and accounting accounting.
The System as of April 2020 included 140 state institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region and more than 700 users.
The system is deployed in the data center of the State Autonomous Institution of the Nizhny Novgorod Region "Center for Coordination of Digital Economy Projects" at the main and reserve sites. Specifications of the 1C: Fresh platform: more than 700 data areas, more than 8 nodes, more than 27 virtual machines and more than 2 TB of data.
The System sets up regular backups and ensures the security of personal data in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ.
Information security requirements are ensured due to the architectural features of the solution based on 1C:Fresh, server support architecture and the use of the 1C platform, certified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Project features
To achieve the goals of the project, it was necessary to transfer the current accounting systems of state institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region to the Unified United Financial System. The system has already covered more than 700 jobs and more than 140 institutions.
Several contractors were involved in the project, which made it possible to perform the project work efficiently as soon as possible.
The technology of working in a private cloud based on "1C:Fresh" allowed a fault-tolerant infrastructure - zones for the main databases, for working with backups, for testing updates.
The implementation of the technology of storing user databases in the "cloud" without the need to upload them to local workplaces made it possible to ensure high performance of the System without additional costs for the modernization of electronic computing equipment.
The cloud solution also made it possible to organize a centralized update of the system and formats of regulated reports.
The project was implemented in parallel with the process of transferring the functions of accounting and reporting, personnel accounting and payroll to specially created organizations - Centralized Accounting Departments.
In the Unified Unified Financial System, seamless integration with regional and federal information systems, as well as with third-party software, was set up.
Project results:
- more than 280 local accounting bases were transferred to the Unified United Financial System of the Nizhny Novgorod Region;
- more than 140 state institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod Region are connected to the State Information System of the EOFS NO;
- a single electronic cycle of the budget process has been formed,
- the availability of information on the financial activities of institutions has significantly increased;
- an effective system of centralized maintenance of budgetary (accounting) accounting and reporting in the state authorities of the region and state institutions of the region was built;
- automation of the process of execution of the consolidated budget of the Nizhny Novgorod region with remote connection of the main managers of budget funds, financial bodies of municipalities, state and municipal institutions in a single database (budget execution subsystem);
- automation of budget planning was carried out with remote connection of the main managers of budget funds, financial bodies of municipalities, state and municipal institutions in a single database (budget design subsystem);
- electronic interaction of GIS EOFS with GIS GMP and GIS housing and communal services for regional and municipal authorities (subsystem of interaction with GIS GMP and GIS housing and communal services) was implemented;
- automation of state and municipal procurement management processes was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Laws of the 44-FZ, including small-volume procurement (procurement management subsystem);
- uniform legal and methodological bases for maintaining budgetary (accounting) accounting have been established;
- a transparent information environment for conducting financial and economic activities of institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region;
- increased efficiency and quality of execution of budgetary processes related to accounting and reporting;
- optimized expenses of the Nizhny Novgorod region for the maintenance of various systems, subsystems based on various software solutions, maintenance and support of accounting and reporting software;
- the activity of employees of state institutions has been optimized by ensuring the principle of one-time data entry;
- optimized storage of service and reporting information used by government agencies in accounting.