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DemPoRT (online calculator for assessing dementia risk)

Developers: University of Ottawa
Date of the premiere of the system: July 2021
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare

2021: Launch the online dementia risk calculator

In mid-July 2021, researchers at the University of Ottawa, the Bruyer Research Institute and ICES developed an online calculator that allows people over 55 to assess the risk of dementia over the next five years and learn how they can reduce it.

This is the first tool designed to predict senile dementia characterized by memory loss and decreased other mental abilities. [1] An online dementia risk assessment calculator (DemPoRT) estimates the number of new cases in the community, identifies high-risk groups, and provides information on dementia prevention strategies.

Online dementia risk calculator launched DemPoRT

Lead author of the study, Dr. Stacey Fisher, noted that with such a risk assessment tool, people will not have to visit a doctor once again for examination, and patients in need of help will be able to receive recommendations without leaving home. About a third of dementia can be prevented by lifestyle factors such as physical activity, healthy eating and reduced alcohol and tobacco use, the researchers note.

The calculator takes into account factors such as age, nutrition, stress levels, smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke, as well as other diseases. The tool, based on survey data from more than 75,000 Ontario residents, also takes into account a number of socio-economic factors, such as ethnicity, immigration status, education and the number of languages ​ ​ learned, many of which can affect the overall functionality of the head. brain

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that sociodemographic factors such as ethnicity and area of residence play an important role in our health, said researcher Peter Tanuseputro. - We had to incorporate these factors into the tool to ensure fair implementation of prevention strategies.[1]
