Customers: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Contractors: GE Healthcare, Quibim Project date: 2021/07
At the end of July 2021, Quibim, which is developing AI solutions for analyzing medical images, joined the Spanish project worth $8.9 million to create a PET/CT scanner for simultaneous imaging of the entire body.
Cooperation between Quibim, Full Body Insight and Oncovision is carried out according to a subcontract concluded with the regional Ministry of Health of the Government of Valencia. Part of the project is funded by the European Fund for Regional Development through the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. GE Healthcare also promised to provide its own tools and developments to help the consortium develop a whole-body PET/CT apparatus.
The goal of the project is to develop new ways of applying PET in biomedical research by increasing the sensitivity of devices. The highly sensitive molecular imaging project ("Imagen Molecular de Alta Sensibilidad - IMAS") will be a new stage in the development of PET and is expected to open up new possibilities for the use of PET in biomedical research. Achieving this goal will simultaneously assess all major organs and body systems, potentially paving the way for new applications of PET/CT in medical practice, the company said.
In parallel with the development of the scanner, the IMAS project supports the creation of PET/CT image post-processing tools to improve analysis. Software developers will provide image reconstruction algorithms and identify appropriate biomarkers to create an image processing platform. This, in particular, will be done by Quibim, along with the creation of software for whole-body segmentation and automatic quantitative evaluation of PET images.[1]