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Big Data Platform Completes Testing of Big Data Protection Technology

Customers: Big Data Platform

Contractors: Ubic

Project date: 2021/01  - 2021/06

2021: Multi-partial computing testing

Big Data Platforms tested Multi-partial computing (MPC) technology. It allows companies to work together with large arrays of data to improve the quality of services and increase business efficiency.

The peculiarity of MPC technology is the lack of exchange of initial data between companies, which makes it possible to implement the Data Fusion approach: it consists in combining data, merging or transferring algorithms from one area of ​ ​ machine learning to another, as well as process synergy in machine learning. Already in July 2021, the Data Fusion concept helps achieve the greatest business results, giving impetus to the emergence of products and solutions.

Multi-partial computing technology was tested with the participation of the traffic filtering and analysis services company. Ubic Collaborative confidential computing allows you to create machine learning models that are built on the combined data of various companies. Each side divides information and transfers only the volume protected data on which you can build models. At the same time, information for obtaining primary data cannot be decrypted. This helps to develop services based on various sources and enriches the competencies and expertise of various areas: from retail to trade insurance business.

Combining data from different companies has a significant synergistic effect. But there are many obstacles to integrating data: procedural, technological and regulatory. MPC technology allows you to optimally and safely overcome these limitations. It increases flexibility in product development, forms the scale of the analyzed environment, improves the accuracy of calculations and, accordingly, at the output gives a better result for the customer. Everything that was previously available only at high resource costs, and sometimes completely closed, will now be introduced into business processes efficiently and quickly, "said Alexander Aivazov, vice president of business development at Rostelecom.

Our key task is to help a wide range of companies implement big data technologies. MPC allows you to quickly and safely develop internal expertise by using the most current market trends and at the same time it will be possible to keep your information closed to others. For many companies that had previously only thought about how to build data enrichment platforms, this rested on huge investments and forecasting the continued use of infrastructure. A solution based on MPC technology will help resolve these issues, "said Alexei Kashtanov, CEO of Big Data Platform.