Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Tekta group (1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0)

Customers: Tekta group

Contractors: ITAN (FinProSoft)
Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

Project date: 2019/10  - 2020/08


Automate loan portfolio management

Completed works:

  • Maintain, calculate and update credit agreements and schedules using flexible settings
    • Flexible mechanism of applied interest and fees (types, formulas, rates, interval or date of application)
    • Flexible mechanism of applicable letters of credit (amount, application interval) Recalculation of interest rates and schedule taking into account PFI limits
    • Recalculation of interest rates and schedule based on Exrow balances
    • Escrow Data Upload from ERP
    • Credit Schedule and Credit Calculator
    • Full credit settlement for the entire period
    • Regular updating of the schedule based on changes in rates and external data

  • Recalculation of schedule when basic conditions change
  • Provider of interest and fees:
  • A tool that allows the user to mass generate documents reflecting accrued interest and commissions in 1C ERP operational accounting using various filters
  • Payment Request Builder: A tool that will allow the user to mass generate applications for the payment of funds using various filters and the ability to adjust applications
  • Synchronize loan agreements and expense transactions with the functionality of signing contracts ITAN and payment requests.
  • Credit Portfolio Reports

Method of application: Credit management functionality is implemented on the basis of 1C ERP system with functional units USO and ITAN.

Automation of management accounting

Completed works:

  • Survey, writing technical proposals with description of chart of accounts, types of subcontos, posting scheme for operational accounting documents, rules for calculation of reserves, closing scheme of accounts and calculation of financial result, description of management reports;
  • Configuration of "1C: ERP" operational documents in management accounting (450 accounting transactions).
  • Set up a period-end closing mechanism.
  • The mechanism for calculation of reserves with transfer of results to ERP 2 documents has been implemented.
  • Set up all the necessary functionality to generate the main management reports;
  • Conducting pilot operation and maintenance during the period of independent formation and closing of the management accounting period for the 2nd quarter of 2020.

Results obtained:

  • Ability to quickly generate management reports: Management Balance Sheet, Financial Results Report, PnL, DDS, OSV on the company's projects.
  • Perform the necessary detailed decoding and analysis of management accounting.
  • Perform the necessary calculations "by pressing one button."
  • Manage the closing period and the recording of operational records in management.
  • Ability to reconfigure the entire accounting model on your own.

Due date: August 2020

Implementation of Graphical Sighting and Route Process Editor

Completed works:

  • Graphical representation of the system of document states and its current position in the route in graphical and tabular form is set up;
  • Automation of rules and means of interaction of elements of the sighting scheme with the executor;
  • Setting up the client-alert about incoming sighting tasks with display of their visual forms;
  • Configured sighting development environment, graphical forms of routing rules;
  • Consulting and training of users during pilot operation.

Results obtained:

  • Real-time monitoring of the progress of sighting routes;
  • Simplicity of operation in the system: drawing is implemented, not programming the processes of sighting and coordination of documents;
  • Visualization of the negotiation process on-line;
  • Regulation of documents sighting and system of notification of overdue tasks have been set up;
  • Optimized sighting and matching routes.

Due date: June 2020

Automation of regulations for sighting internal documents and incoming documents from counterparties

Completed works:

  • The process of registration, sighting and passage of routes for internal and incoming documents is formalized and regulated;
  • Automated rules that determine the sequence in which decision-making powers pass from one participant to another;
  • Set up event notifications to be sent to interested parties according to predefined rules; * * Set up resolution overlay procedure and follow-up;
  • User training was carried out and industrial operation was launched;

Results obtained:

  • Reduction of time for preparation and negotiation of contracts by 3-5 times;
  • Elimination of document losses, significantly accelerated business processes of approval;
  • Document distribution by route and route assignment takes place automatically, by "bypassing" the required responsible employees;
  • Control of executive discipline.

Due date: June 2020

Automating Contract Management

Completed works:

  • Express survey of the specifics of the company's contractual activities;
  • Budgets are set up taking into account existing contracts.;
  • Automated flexible mechanisms for filling out payment and accrual schedules according to the terms of the contract.;
  • Instant control over the project budget has been implemented already at the contract approval stage.

Results obtained:

  • Reduction of time for preparation and negotiation of contracts by 3-5 times;
  • Formation of contractual documents, including joint development, vising, coordination, a statement and the publication is adjusted;
  • Availability and transparency of analytical information on the company's activities in the context of contracts, control of their execution;
  • Technical and methodological support during pilot and industrial operation of the system

Due date: April 2020

Automation of the Treasury module

Completed works:

  • Diagnostics of the treasury function used in the enterprise;
  • Set up Distribution of funds between accounts;
  • Development and automation of an album of treasury reporting forms;
  • Automate the generation of requests for spending money;
  • Payment calendar formation implemented;
  • Automated process of approving budgets and payments.

Results obtained:

  • Internal payment discipline, delegation of responsibility to subdivisions of payment initiators;
  • Analysis of cash flows online;
  • The "Treasury Process Regulation" has been implemented;
  • Automated calendar of order of receipts and payments according to the company's dates and activities.

Due date: May 2020