Customers: Unicredit Leasing Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Homnet Leasing Product: Homnet Leasing (a software package for the leasing companies)На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2010/09
The Unicredit Leasing company completed the project of upgrade of an information system. The Homnet Leasing company was engaged in project implementation.
Cooperation of the companies began in 2004 when Unicredit Leasing was among the first corporate users of the basic solution "Leasing 7.7"
Due to business development of the company and integration into the largest European banking group UniCredit of a vonikl need of improvement of an information system. These purposes designated a new stage of cooperation of two companies.
As additional plus for benefit of the selected integrator existence in an arsenal Homnet Leasing of unique methodology of setting of accounting of IFRS which is followed by specially developed software package "Homnet Leasing of IFRS" which does not have analogs in the field of leasing served.
The project on creation and transition to work in a new information system was implemented in several stages by already fulfilled project technique. In a work progress transfer of a remaining balance was executed and mechanisms of regulated accounting are finished (the scheme of accounting on balance of the lessee, accounting of signers the exposed documents and others). Transition to work in a new system was followed by consulting support of integrator and a series of the training seminars.
Further it is going to automate the reporting under IFRS and budgeting.