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2023/05/31 13:09:07

U.S. Citizenship and Passport


2022: The number of Russians became US citizens for a record 10 years

In 2022, American citizenship received a record number of Russians in 10 years - 10,420 people. This is evidenced by the data released at the end of May 2023 by the consulting company Second Wind, which are based on statistics from the State Department and the US Immigration and Naturalization Service.

As they write Sheets"" with reference to the Second Wind report, the Russians took 2nd place in the world on "lottery visas": 9811 Russians issued a green card (residence permit) in 2022, of which 2642 were won by them in the State Department lottery. In total Russia , citizens received 4,654 US immigration and 42,770 non-immigrant visas in 2022. The number of tourist visas of both types (V1/V2) for Russian citizens in fiscal 2022 was 33,600, and the percentage of refusals was 26.18%.

American citizenship received a record number of Russians in 10 years - 10,420 people

According to Alexander Zakharov, partner of Paragon Advice Group, the growth of American citizenship and invasions is a deferred effect of consideration of applications submitted in 2017-2019. The period for obtaining citizenship comes at least five years after obtaining a green card, and in the case of an investment visa - from a year to four, Zakharov explained. He added that the American services were relatively loyal to the Russians who arrived in the United States after the start of the Russian military special operation in Ukraine and partial mobilization in Russia, even illegally crossing the border.

According to Victoria Zhuravleva, head of the Center for North American Studies at IMEMO RAN, President Joe Biden's administration is trying to return a softer policy from the time of Barack Obama, which may be associated with an increase in satisfied applications. Denis Karasev, vice president of the consulting company LCP Group, noted that the investment visa program (EB-5) has been of interest to Russian citizens for the past 10 years, in 2022 the number of requests for immigration to the United States under EB-5 increased 4-5 times.[1]

2020: Record 6,707 rich renounce US citizenship

In early August 2021, the US Internal Revenue Office published data according to which 6,707 Americans renounced citizenship in 2020, which is 237% more than in 2019. We are talking about a record number.

In 2020 American , the passport lost most of its value to many wealthy citizens on the list. Forbes Among the main reasons why the richest citizens USA wanted to leave: the fight against, pandemic general social unrest, the presidential election. In 2020, people found it difficult to find a way to leave the country even on vacation, since many countries also did not allow Americans into their countries.

Record 6,707 rich in 2020 renounce US citizenship

The founder of Apex Capital, Nuri Katz, who specializes in investment programs for obtaining citizenship, previously told Insider that wealthy people are forced to adapt to the inability to travel for their work or simply for pleasure, which led to the desire to renew their passports from many even less wealthy citizens.

According to Axios, one of the main reasons for encouraging the rich to leave their country may be high taxes. President Joe Biden has proposed raising taxes on the highest-paid Americans to pay for infrastructure costs. That includes a 39.6% capital gains tax on Americans earning more than $1 million, which would be levied combined with a 3.8% tax on the Affordable medical Service Act. As a result, the capital gains tax for this population would be 43.4%, almost double the current level.

A report by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy showed that the burden of Biden's proposed tax hike will fall on the shoulders of 1% of American taxpayers, each of whom will pay an additional $100,000 in taxes annually. The status of these tax increases is still in question as they did not make it into the latest bipartisan infrastructure bill.[2]
