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The name of the base system (platform): TeamViewer (remote control and VKS)
Developers: Siemens Healthineers (ранее Siemens Healthcare)
Date of the premiere of the system: August 2021
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare

2021: Launch MRI Scanner Remote Management Service

In early August 2021, Siemens Healthineers began offering its customers the WeScan service. This service, which uses TeamViewer connection technology, helps medical institutions conduct magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies if they do not have qualified radiological personnel.

With the WeScan service, customers can access a pool of qualified remote imaging technologists who help manage the MRI scanner using syngo Virtual Cockpit, Siemens Healthineers remote scanning software. As Siemens Healthineers assists customers through WeScan outside their own IT network, real-time data transfer over the Internet and high safety standards are essential requirements. Siemens Healthineers has therefore entered into a new partnership with TeamViewer. Remote TeamViewer connectivity is now included in WeScan service offerings due to high security standards, high data throughput, and overall ease of management.

By interacting TeamViewer with syngo Virtual Cockpit and Siemens Healthineers Global Remote Connectivity Infrastructure, Smart Remote Services, it is possible to maintain an on-demand scanning process from outside the client network, meeting all relevant security and performance requirements in general. WeScan generates large amounts of data that needs to be shared between IT networks in real time. This is where the technology is TeamViewer demonstrating its strengths, and the conditional access feature provides access control based on stringent requirements and helps achieve the level of security that is vital in health care.

Siemens Healthineers unveils service for remote management of MRI scanners
TeamViewer has been an important partner for many years. The number of cases of use in the hospital environment, when we need safe and high-performance access to our systems, is constantly growing. This makes our partnership with TeamViewer increasingly strong, and we believe that it has great potential in the future, "says Wolfgang Heimsch, head of customer service at Siemens Healthineers.

Siemens Healthineers has been using TeamViewer on many tens of thousands of its imaging and laboratory diagnostics devices around the world, such as magnetic resonance and computed tomographs, in hospitals and physician offices for remote care and support of clinical staff around the world.

With WeScan, Siemens Healthineers offers an innovative service that delivers real value added to its customers. We are pleased that TeamViewer can make a decisive technological contribution to this new decision, and therefore to the further digitalization of the health sector. The shortage of highly qualified employees is a huge problem for many industries. We understand that remote access solutions can be a key element in overcoming this problem, since both employees and serviced devices are connected at the global level, which means that they can now be used much more efficiently, "comments EVP on solution sales in TeamViewer Lucas Baur.

With WeScan, the company is taking a step forward by providing additional services to improve device capacity utilization and increase patient access to health care in addition to already existing remote support for various maintenance and repair scenarios.[1]
