Customers: Sapphire Technopark Moscow; Electrical equipment and microelectronics Contractors: Homnet Consulting Product: 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2010/06
"The Moscow plant "Sapfir" completed implementation of an information system based on the solution "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" for conducting personnel records and payroll. The project is implemented by Homnet Consulting company.
System implementation allowed to solve the main objectives on accounting of a financial and economic and management activity of the company. The staff of the company received the tool allowing to make quickly payroll (to charge and fix salary payment, to calculate the taxes and contributions on wage fund regulated by the legislation and also to reflect the accrued payroll and taxes in costs of the enterprise), to keep complex personnel records, to carry out the analysis of its structure.
The company management received full control over business processes of the company. There was an opportunity to set structure of the enterprise and the organizations making it, to make management decisions on the basis of complete and reliable information.