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2021/08/17 16:29:07

Digital manifesto of United Russia


United Russia

Main article: United Russia

2021: United Russia introduced the Digital Manifesto with priorities in the Internet sector

On August 17, 2021, United Russia presented the party's Digital Manifesto, which includes the main priorities in the Internet sphere. The document includes three sections:

  • human rights and digitalization;
  • Internet and children;
  • the Internet and the State.

According to TASS, the first speaks of the inadmissibility of digital discrimination, "total digital surveillance," the need to ensure the ability to freely express opinions on the Internet, as well as the protection of personal data.

United Russia introduced the Digital Manifesto with priorities in the Internet sector

The second section refers to measures to protect against destructive content - "suicidal groups, school shootings, criminal subculture, drug trafficking, LGBT propaganda, communities of attacks on family and national values, extremism of all kinds."

According to the third section, the Russian segment of the Internet should operate safely and stably "with any sanctions and outages from the outside." National IT projects, digital companies should have priority in concluding state contracts, the party is convinced.

According to the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadaev, the "Digital Manifesto" should support the development of digital professions by the state.

The state should help do this, starting from school, and further in universities. And even those who have completed higher education should be able to master the digital profession with the help and support of the state, "he said.

Alexander Khinshtein, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, Deputy Secretary of the United Russia General Council, said that the manifesto reflects all the most important aspects that can and should be relied on in the field of digital development of the state.

By August 17, 2021, work is underway on documents, and after its completion, the digital manifesto will be submitted for approval to the Presidium of the United Russia General Council[1]
