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DKIS ALP Group Change Factory

Developers: ALP Group
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019
Last Release Date: 2021/08/24
Technology: Project Management Systems

White Paper: IT Project Management

2021: Expanding for Businesses of All Sizes

ALP Group Corporate Information Systems Department (ALP-IS LLC - DKIS), a Russian developer of IT solutions for managing large commercial and state organizations based on 1C software products and own developments, announced on August 24, 2021 that it was expanding its technology for risk-free step-by-step implementation of complex Change Factory projects for enterprises of any scale. This expansion was made possible due to the close integration into the "Factory" of the key author methodologies of DKIS ALP - "Change Management Systems" (MIS) and Process Mining (continuous integrated business process management). It is important that each of them works both on the side of the customer and the project executor, which together makes the collaboration of the integrator and the client even more effective.

The Change Factory was launched by DKIS ALP in 2019 and initially provided for the unification of work on each change, and in a project of any scale, while maintaining a high level of quality.

The improvement of this methodology, the application of a well-developed ALP DKIS change management system in it (for several years it has been the foundation for the implementation of ERP projects), as well as detailed project analytics, allowed ALP DKIS to introduce end-to-end technology for step-by-step implementation of each stage of the project, and with regular reporting. According to ALP experts, only such a combination of analytical, technological and managerial practices can guarantee customers a really significant result. At the same time, these technologies are constantly being improved; some of them have already become independent products presented on the market.

In turn, turning on in "Factory of changes" of the necessary BI modules and administrative analytics ("The monitor of the resource manager", "The head's monitor", "The passport of the project", etc.) provides to customers not only observance of all necessary standards, but also gives them the chance to carry out the complex assessment of results, including, intermediate.

Correct analytics and methodology, proprietary technological developments and management techniques allow ALP DKIS to configure the base of any project using a kind of designer. At the same time, the project as a whole, each of its stages, as well as the future expansion, are based on business and technological consulting, analysis of primary data, correctly selected tools and guarantees of compliance with deadlines.