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Ex-heads of MySQL decided "move" Oracle in the market of DBMS


05.07.10, 14:57, Msk

The team of ex-managers of MySQL based a startup of SkySQL which main task is support to users of the platform around the world and demonopolization of position of Oracle which the company reached after purchase of SUN Microsystems.

Users of MySQL got new chance to get support of DBMS, without resorting to the help to the Oracle corporation which received control over open-source by the platform after purchase of SUN Microsystems company. MySQL ex-developer based a startup under the name MariaDB (before SkySQL) and are going to make corporations the serious competition in this market.

The plans of SkySQL are rendering "support and service to MySQL ecosystem at the level of the enterprises", according to the announcement on the website of the company. The CEO of a startup Ulf Sandberg held a post of the chief vice president for global service MySQL earlier. In addition to it all other "tops" of a startup are also natives of the former MySQL command.

At the moment the company is going to work in the most different areas. It is stated that more details about a startup will appear already in the next few days. Already gained SkySQL entry into the market "blessing" of the creator of MySQL Michael "Monty" Vaydenius (Michael "Monty" Widenius) who at the moment heads Monty Program, the company specializing in development of the MariaDB expansion for MySQL, also as well as directly in MySQL support.

"I am glad to see that talents in the field of MySQL had a new house where they will be able to continue to do what is done just fine", - Vaydenius in the blog wrote. This trend, according to him, reflects that fact that "that it did not happen to MySQL in Oracle, the platform will not remain in drowsiness and will get competent support from community MySQL and MariaDB", - added the guru.

Vaydenius and Monty Program do not intend to interfere actively with SkySQL activity, but a certain cooperation will be conducted. Meanwhile, defenders of MySQL like Vaydenius continue to dispute legitimacy of permission of the European authorities to purchase of Sun company by Oracle corporation. In particular, Vaydenius once again activated fight in this direction, on Friday having submitted the corresponding appeal to the European Court of Justice to Luxembourg.

Finally to dispel doubts of regulators, Oracle performed with a series of public statements concerning MySQL, claiming that Oracle does not intend to impose to clients paid support of a product if they are owners of commercial licenses of MySQL.