Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Vandrovskaya Diana Shamilyevna
Vandrovskaya Diana Shamilyevna


In 2003 she graduated from Kurgan State University - philology, philologist.

In 2005 she graduated from Kurgansky state the "university" - economist with a degree in and.Finance credit

2016: General Director of the Tribal Plant Makhalov

Since 07.12.2016 - General Director of Mahalov Tribal Plant LLC.

2018: SD Bank "Kurgan"

From 23.05.2018 to 05.12.2019 - Member of the Board of Directors of Kurgan Bank PJSC.

Since 19.06.2019 (re-elected: 30.04.2021) - Member of the Board of Directors of Kurgan Bank LLC.

2021: Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kurgan Bank

As of September 2021 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kurgan Bank LLC.