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IBS certified Polyus production assets

Customers: Pole PJSC (formerly Pole Gold, Polyus Gold)

Moscow; Mining

Contractors: IBS
Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2021/03  - 2021/08

2021: Certification of production assets

On October 11, 2021, IBS announced that it had completed a project to develop a methodology for managing regulatory reference information, as well as the formation of an up-to-date electronic BDO and BDP TOiR for the Polyus Krasnoyarsk, Polyus Verninskoye and Polyus Logistics divisions. According to the results of the project, IBS became a partner in the certification program at Polyus and began work on its other sites.

Kuranakh gold deposit

Polyus is a gold producer in Russia, one of the top ten gold mining companies on the world market. The main enterprises of the company are located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk and Magadan Regions, as well as in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Polyus initiated a business transformation program based on SAP S/4HANA, which required the creation of equipment and regulatory databases, the development of regulatory reference information management documents for repair facilities (TOI), as well as the consolidation of the approach to BD and BD management in the enterprises included in the structure.

IBS won the open competition and began work. The project team had to update the methodology for maintaining NSIs of M&R objects, the verification methodology data and the classification of objects. In addition, it was required to collect and synthesize data on equipment based on existing sources, enrich, normalize and clear them, collect standards for M&R and prepare templates for loading BDB, BDB in data format. SAP ERP

During the project, IBS specialists formed the necessary databases of equipment and standards, prepared migration templates with which data was imported into the production system. According to the results of the work performed, IBS became a partner in the Polyus certification program, completed several projects for Polyus Krasnoyarsk, Polyus Verninskoye, Polyus Logistics and began the certification of BDO, BDP and tires for units in Aldan and Magadan.

"The expected business effects of the project include optimizing maintenance costs, improving reliability, and reducing operational risks through up-to-date, consistent, and unified BD&D in the SAP ERP production system. In addition, the introduction of a single unified system instead of a disparate array of data on electronic and paper media ensured the transparency of the M&R processes, "-

says Alexander Surnachev, project manager from Polyus.

"In addition to methodological support, the purpose of the project was to collect and transfer data for migration to the target SAP ERP system for BDB and BDP, ensuring their completeness, consistency and uniformity. It is not easy to collect such data, adapt them to the platform and unify sources from different specialists and business units, since it is necessary to simultaneously master the knowledge of the target platform, the subject area of ​ ​ the customer (in this case, gold mining with mining equipment and production at gold processing factories), understanding processes, experience similar projects with their typical risks and problems. Our team has all these competencies and is engaged in the implementation of EAM class systems, that is, it builds the process based not only on business needs, but also on the requirements of a specific platform. The project was implemented on the basis of our own development - a tool for automation of work with a large amount of data "IBS Passportization," which fits the specifics of a large company due to the absence of restrictions on the amount of information processed during automated inspections, "-

says Alexander Shkarin, project manager from IBS.