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MR International


MR Group



2021: Start Direction

MR Group on October 14, 2021 announced the launch of a direction for foreign real estate.

MR International is a division responsible for business development in Europe and other regions of the world.

The first project in MR International's portfolio will be a multifunctional complex in the center of Berlin.

IFC business class with a height of 4 floors will be located in the center of Berlin, in the prestigious creative district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, 15 minutes from the Brandenburg Gate. It includes office space, street retail premises and housing. The total area of ​ ​ the complex is 17.3 thousand square meters.

{{quote 'Berlin is one of the most promising European real estate markets, in terms of demand and price growth, the city is steadily among the top five in its region, "said Ilya Davydik, managing partner of MR Group. - It is no coincidence that Berlin as part of the expansion of the company's business was chosen by us for the first European project. }}

The plans of the MR Group structures include the implementation of development projects in other regions of Europe, their concepts are being worked out. We are considering projects in France, the UK and other European countries, "said Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of MR Group.

IFC implementation in Berlin started in the spring of 2020, investments in the project in the company are estimated at 80 million euros.