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Баннер в шапке 2

"SDS-Fuds" expands functionality of a trade circuit

Customers: SDS-Fuds

Moscow; Logistics and distribution

Contractors: MozartConsult
Product: MC Trade
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2

Project date: 2010/07  - 2011/05

The SDS-Fuds company keeps the project of automation using the solution MC Trade on the 1C: Enterprise platform. Implementation is executed by MozartConsult company.

As an information system the company uses the solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". With its help issues of operational accounting of a trading activity, conducting accounting and tax accounting and also automation of payroll are resolved. But there was not enough this functionality for effective management of the company.

The head of the IT Department "SDS-Fuds" Vyacheslav Pikush comments: "Expansion of network, appearance of new suppliers required modern planning tools and forecasting, logistics management, building of productive partner relations. Therefore the task of accumulation of functionality of already working solution was set".

When choosing integrator not the last role was played by the fact of presence at an IT konsultatnta of own solution MC Trade for a covering of those spheres of activity of distribution companies which are not covered by standard functionality of a trade circuit of the configurations "1C:Enterprise 8".

Within the project it is going to automate transactions of external logistics; operations on demand forecasting, drawing up purchase plans and formation of supplier orders; management of delivery to buyers.

The project is going to be implemented for half a year. 50 jobs will be automated. Now it is carried out analy business processes of the client.