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In the MFC Moscow region appeared health station

Customers: MFC of the Moscow region GKU

Project date: 2021/04  - 2021/10

2021: Launch of the complex for basic diagnosis of the state of the organism in Dolgoprudny

MFC of the Moscow region A pilot project on the installation of complexes was launched in Moscow, where you can get a basic diagnosis of the state of the body for free. The first "health corner" appeared in the multifunctional center of the city district. Dolgoprudny This was announced on November 16, 2021. Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technology and Communications of the Moscow Region

MFTS Moscow area A pilot project has been launched on the basis of the installation of diagnostic complexes, where you can quickly and without prior record check the state of health. The first such station was opened at the MFC Dolgoprudny. With the help of technologies, residents can measure pressure, pulse, height and weight, analyze the composition of the body. Monitoring of such indicators is especially important in conditions pandemics where many postpone a visit to a doctor. Staying in My Documents centers is becoming more and more comfortable for residents - at the same time as receiving the necessary service, you can now undergo a free mini-examination. More than 25 thousand people visit the MFC Dolgoprudny every month, "said the Minister of state Management, and. IT communications Moscow region Maxim Rymar

To undergo diagnosis at the MFC medical center, it will take 5-10 minutes of free time. You do not need to record in advance. Any visitor can understand the devices, the instructions are simple and understandable. In addition, the complex is fully adapted for people with disabilities. The results of the examination are issued immediately after the examination of the body. If desired, data can be entered into the electronic medical record.

Independent diagnosis shows a basic picture of the state of the body. Rapid examination is a good prevention of hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular, metabolic diseases, which can be detected at an early stage and decide to start treatment. In the MFC, a body analyzer with an optional ultrasonic rostomer is available to residents - it not only shows height and weight, but also gives data on the structure of the body. Also, visitors can use a pulsometer, tonometer and tuxedelizer, which conducts an analysis of exhaled air.