Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

CIS of Lack

Developers: Zhukov Andrey Nikolaevich
Branches: Trade
Technology: Trade automation systems

The assistant on a right choice of the accounting system for small enterprise

Each accounting system for your enterprise, as well as any other product, has the set of consumer properties and these properties you should imagine accurately. Before starting the analysis of proposals of system providers of automation it is necessary to solve unambiguously for himself what the selected system initially should be able to do and as as in it it will be possible to finish in an effect. Do not forget that requirements to the purchased system need to be understood taking into account the expected growth of your company – let, any systems capabilities are not necessary today, but quite can be useful already tomorrow.

Each accounting system for your enterprise, as well as any other product, has the set of consumer properties and these properties you should imagine accurately. Before starting the analysis of proposals of system providers of automation it is necessary to solve unambiguously for himself what the selected system initially should be able to do and as as in it it will be possible to finish in an effect. Do not forget that requirements to the purchased system need to be understood taking into account the expected growth of your company – let, any systems capabilities are not necessary today, but quite can be useful already tomorrow.

It is absolutely sure that implementation of the accounting system will be less painful if you are convinced in advance that an expected system is able to solve qualitatively your key problems already today.

FREE COUNCIL – do not believe promises of sellers of programs. Their main objective profit earning and for the sake of it we are ready "put off" any program semi-finished product, expecting to earn even from its adaptation for your business. Trust guarantees "completions under your main requirements during implementation process", RISKOVAT the financial investments, and, above all "loss of precious time" means.

Level of compliance of the software product to your expectations should be the main criterion when choosing program system. The more now a system meets your requirements, the less there will be your risks of its unsuccessful implementation.

I do not want to claim that a below-mentioned set of requirements is ideal, but you can take it "for a sample" and make on its basis the own list of requirements to a system with which it is possible to start the choice of the solution on automation safely. It is always easier to take something ready and to change under itself, than to do all work "from scratch".

Let's begin the analysis - if the system considered by you solves a problem (subparagraph) of an instruction, then mark it with a cross. For an example possibilities of the free universal accounting system of "CIS of Lack" are already marked. And the MOST IMPORTANT – ask and demand definite answers from "sellers of programs" if to you something is unclear! Also sometimes it is useful to specify how everyone is specifically implemented in "their system" property of the software product, important for you.

Here the offered list of requirements with area of marks:

Work with buyers of your goods and services.

[х][ ] [] [] A possibility of accounting of several outlets at one legal entity. Maintaining and control of presence of the address list of deliveries at the client. The analysis of settlement by the buyer in general or on each his outlet.]

[х][ ] [] [] Separation of buyers and software suppliers of ABC/XYZ to categories by different criteria, for example groupings of buyers on "the brought income".]

[х][ ] [] [] Setup of price policy and schemes of discounts depending on "profitability" of the buyer and discipline of his payments.]

[х][ ] [] [] Viewing all accounts, delivery notes, payments and other documents on the client directly from his card and/or from the "easily accessible" report.]

[х][ ] [] [] Control of activity of the buyer, existence in the system of methodology of stimulation of consumer activity.]

[х][ ] [] [] Fixing of the sales agent to the client. Control and job analysis of managers on sale. The analysis of receivables (debts) by sales representatives.]

[х][ ] [] [] Formation a price – sheets, depending on the client's type, determination of the prices and other attributes is individual on buyers or group of buyers.]

[х][ ] [] [] Installation and control of a limit of receivables to the client, and also existence of other control methods and restriction of a holiday, for example on the term of unpaid amount or the number of unpaid delivery notes.]

[х][ ] [] [] Registration and control of gifts, bonuses, "rollbacks" to clients. Accounting of these transactions, as costs of the enterprise.]

[ ] [] [] [] Organization and efficiency analysis of sales, advertizing campaigns, marketing efforts.]

[х][ ] [] [] Shipment of goods "with a payment deferral" or on implementation, control of discipline of payment. Identification of overdue payments.]

[х][ ] [] [] Diverse managerial selections and analysts on buyers, for example ratings by groups of goods.]

Work with suppliers of goods, OS, raw materials, services.

[х][ ] [] [] Fixation and control of delivery dates on each supplier and group of goods. The analysis of actually arrived goods, the ordered goods and "goods in way".]

[х][ ] [] [] The cost accounting on delivery of goods and raw materials, inclusion of costs in cost value of goods and finished goods.]

[х][ ] [] [] Deliveries of goods "under the order" buyers, drawing up the summary supplier order, control of passing of orders.]

[х][ ] [] [] Accounting of a SCD of goods, licenses, references and certificates.]

[х][ ] [] [] Planning of supplier payments, control and the analysis of accounts payable, accounting of commodity loans from the supplier.]

[х][ ] [] [] Planning and forecasting of needs for purchases of goods, raw materials depending on sales plans or production.]

[х][ ] [] [] Accounting of all types entering from suppliers of primary documents.]

Contract management with partners.

[ ] [] [] [] Formation and maintaining an agreement base with clients, suppliers and contractors.]

[ ] [] [] [] Procedure of approvals and adoptions of agreements.]

[х][ ] [] [] Formation of texts of agreements based on templates.]

[ ] [] [] [] Storage of the scanned agreement and other files in the database.]

[х][ ] [] [] Control of dates of termination of agreements, typification of agreements.]

[ ] [] [] [] Routes of approvals of agreements. Levels of financial powers of employees on agreement signature.]

Qualifiers of goods.

[ ] [] [] [] A possibility of the organization of a tree structure of sections of accounting (a price – the sheet).]

[х][ ] [] [] Viewing the current sliding or real cost value of goods and a change history of cost value, depending on deliveries.]

[х][ ] [] [] Viewing a remaining balance of goods, delivery plans, reserves from a goods card. The analysis of the movement and a remaining balance of goods in warehouses]

[ ] [] [] [] Access restriction on users on viewing cost value or other information on goods.]

[ ] [] [] [] Setup of analogs, accessories, compatibility and other interrelations of goods items.]

[ ] [] [] [] Storage in the database of the image of goods, instructions, warranty obligations and other annexes to goods.]

[х][ ] [] [] Search of the primary documents connected with goods.]

Pricing, work with the prices.

[х][ ] [] [] Automatic cost accounting at arrival of goods on a warehouse on the configured algorithms.]

[х][ ] [] [] Inclusion in cost value of purchase costs.]

[ ] [] [] [] Setup of currency of cost value. The expected cost value, calculation of exchange differences.]

[х][ ] [] [] Manual correction of cost value and maintaining "conditional cost value".]

[х][ ] [] [] Setup of different mechanisms of dependence of selling price on cost value, for different groups of goods and buyers.]

[ ] [] [] [] Setup of powers at minimum possible prices (or to the maximum discounts) for different users.]

[х][ ] [] [] Setup of the recommended discounts on clients, categories of clients, goods, groups of goods, terms, discounts from quantity and to other parameters.]

Accounting of goods.

[х][ ] [] [] Account of lots, series, serial numbers and other attributes.]

[х][ ] [] [] Visual tracking of history of a batch, semi-finished product, product.]

Document flow of the enterprise.

[ ] [] [] [] Creation and storage of electronic copies of primary documents and their routes of movements.]

[х][ ] [] [] Correct reflection of a SCD in invoices for different batches.]

[х][ ] [] [] Formation of such documents as the account, the invoice, the act of the performed works, 1T, TORG-12, the power of attorney, the reconciliation statement, the agreement.]

[х][ ] [] [] Accounting of return of primary documents from clients and divisions of the enterprise.]

[ ] [] [] [] Electronic approval and routes of approvals of documents.]

[х][ ] [] [] Possibility of setup and correction of document templates or diversity of formats of primary documentation.]

[х][ ] [] [] Unloading of any document in any computer formats.]

[ ] [] [] [] Storage in the database of initial documents, the scanned documents, files.]

Inventory control.

[х][ ] [] [] Accounting of serial numbers and any attributes of goods, analysis of a change history of attribute.]

[х][ ] [] [] Entering into information the database via the barcode scanner.]

[х][ ] [] [] Reservation of goods under the specific client or the order in a warehouse.]

[х][ ] [] [] An opportunity partial, by request of shipment of goods.]

[х][ ] [] [] History of the movement of goods on warehouses of the enterprise.]

[х][ ] [] [] Selection of goods in a warehouse on its any characteristics.]

[х][ ] [] [] Control of the expected arrivals or shipments.]

[х][ ] [] [] Address storage (warehouse logistics) and shipment of goods in a warehouse according to its scheme of placement.]

[х][ ] [] [] Movement of goods between warehouses and execution of primary documentation of movement.]

Journalizing of transactions and access for users.

[х][ ] [] [] Setup of functional roles of users on the executed work types with programs.]

[ ] [] [] [] Binding of access rights to information to the staff list of the enterprise.]

[х][ ] [] [] Access restriction on users to processes, the modes (tasks) and objects of a system.]

[х][ ] [] [] A possibility of access restriction on users to documents or separate attributes of documents. ]

[ ] [] [] [] Access restriction on storekeepers only to "the" warehouse, cashiers only to "the" cash desk, access restriction to documents on divisions and clients.]

[х][ ] [] [] Fixing of the fact of transaction with the document, preserving of an image of the "old" document at its change or removal.]

[х][ ] [] [] Control, restriction and fixing of access attempts to the "prohibited" information.]

[х][ ] [] [] Recovery of the destroyed information.]

Maintaining costs of the enterprise.

[х][ ] [] [] Structure of cost items by types and divisions. Cost control on workers and technical means.]

[ ] [] [] [] Maintaining routes of approvals of requests for costs.]

[ ] [] [] [] Planning and budgeting of costs and payments on them.]

[х][ ] [] [] Automatic charge of costs on planned events.]

[х][ ] [] [] Accounting and fixed asset depreciation, their fixing to employees, inventory of OS.]

[х][ ] [] [] The automated write-off of materials, goods, OS by the set configured rules.]

Management of finance.

[х][ ] [] [] Standard profits and loss statements, cash flow, managerial balance of the enterprise. ]

[х][ ] [] [] Separately indicators on the debt of suppliers to us, ours before suppliers and the "blocked" debt. The similar analysis on buyers.]

[х][ ] [] [] The analysis of measure values of the reporting by transactions, clients, managers, goods, commodity groups, countries of origin and other attributes of goods (products) and clients (suppliers and buyers).]

[х][ ] [] [] History of any indicators of functioning of business for last periods "in comparison", for example revenue history on departments of shop in a year on months or the same analysis of "profitability" of the buyer.]

[ ] [] [] [] A possibility of obtaining financial statements in different currencies, currency conversion. Multicurrency of accounting and financial statements.]

[х][ ] [] [] Maintaining and control of bank loans, overdrafts. Accounting of factoring transactions, "correct" execution of primary documentation.]

[х][ ] [] [] Design of loans "the" firms and other clients.]

[ ] [] [] [] Search and control of "unidentified" payments.]

[ ] [] [] [] Integration into the programs "the client-bank".]

Production, public catering.

[х][ ] [] [] Description and formation of a difficult, hierarchical structure of a product and semi-finished products. Maintaining process charts.]

[х][ ] [] [] Calculation of planned and actual cost of products.]

[х][ ] [] [] Formation of summary need for the made products on changes, workers, divisions.]

[ ] [] [] [] Formation and scheduling of replaceable tasks. Route of production of a product.]

[х][ ] [] [] Determination and formation of materials requirements. Forecasting of the prices of finished goods.]

[х][ ] [] [] Production "under the order" and serial production.]

Instruction for use of the instruction:

Take this list and add to it what, in your opinion is not enough or delete "excess" points (lines). Having such list, you can safely start the choice, the analysis and testing of "suitable" accounting systems during which do marks on "podkhodimost" of a specific system according to each requirement (point) of the list.

Besides, if, something in the tested system is not solved or is unclear – ask "solution providers" of the price, terms and reality of implementation of this requirement. It is desirable to receive the answer in writing to avoid misunderstanding after payment of money by you for this system or its implementation.