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Food (food delivery service)

Developers: Sberbank
Date of the premiere of the system: November 2021
Branches: Logistics and Distribution

2021: Product Delivery Service

In early December 2021, it became known about the launch of the Food! product delivery service in Belarus. This is the development of Sber, the company's executive director Ivan Gorshunov wrote on his Facebook page.

According to him, the service was developed in three months. For him, they created their own CRM system, applications for couriers and users.

By December 1, 2021, "Food!" Works only in two districts of Minsk, products are brought from the stores "Neighbors" and "Mila." Declared delivery in 30 minutes.

Sber launches food delivery service in Belarus
We did it, did it much cooler than other players in the market, did it in a few months, did it contrary to all restrictions, "said Ivan Gorshunov.

He said that Sber, as part of a product delivery project in Belarus, made "official branding," created its own HR brand, sewed off clothes and bags, and also provided transport with brand symbols. Investments in this project are not disclosed.

According to Belretail, when creating "Food!" They took into account the experience of the Russian "Sbermarket" and "Scooter." The service works in the format of a mobile application, which will keep the shopping history and remember the preferences of users. It will also be possible to monitor well-known people and their preferences in stream mode. All this will be taken into account when forming suggestions for products and ingredients for users.

Products and goods will be delivered from supermarkets of other networks on specially purchased electric scooters of the ECG standard (a set of company performance standards that take into account the environmental, social and managerial factors of the company's development).

According to information on the project website, the management of the Food! Service is led by Sber Express LLC. Sber registered this legal entity in Minsk in September 2021.[1]
