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TransTeleCom was an integrator of the solution for servicing Russian Railways customers with hearing impairment

Customers: Russian Railways (RZD)

Moscow; Transport

Contractors: TransTeleCom (TTC)
Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2021/05  - 2021/11

2021: Service Support for Hearing Impaired Customers

On December 3, 2021, TransTeleCom announced that it had provided a service for customers of Russian Railways with hearing impairment. The project is implemented by the Department of Passenger Transportation. Video consultation in Russian sign language with the operator of the Mobility Assistance Center of Russian Railways is available on the official website rzd.ru.

If a client with hearing disabilities has problems filling out a request for services, the operator with knowledge of sign language is ready to come to the rescue. In the screen sharing mode, he sees what is happening on the customer screen and can help with text entry and mouse control if necessary.

Earlier in 2020, a pilot project was launched at four stations in Moscow, thanks to which passengers with hearing impairment could contact the operator and ask a question of interest about the trip using a video terminal with sign language translation. The development of the project was the launch of such an opportunity on the company's Internet portal. Now, to receive advice, a passenger with hearing impairment does not have to go to the station to the video terminal, it became possible to receive advice online.

The implemented service serves to further develop the customer orientation of the Russian railways and allows us to contribute to creating the most comfortable environment for passengers with disabilities, "commented Pavel Efremov, deputy head of the Passenger Transportation Department.

TransTeleCom has extensive experience in organizing customer service for Russian Railways. The launch of video consultations for customers with hearing disabilities is the next stage in the development of remote passenger services of Russian Railways, and we are proud to be able to take part in such a significant project, "said Sergey Obidovsky, head of the Special Programs Department of TransTeleCom.

The service is available in the section "Services and services" - "Small passengers" for registered users of the site rzd.ru.