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EVOLA will implement the solution of SAP on Labor protection.

27.07.10, 21:12, Msk

The EVOLA company expands a line of consulting services and offers implementing solution of SAP "Management of labor protection, health and the environment" (SAP EHS Management (Management of labor protection, health and the environment)). The solution is included into a complex of the SAP solutions Business Suite.

The solution allows the heads who are responsible for labor protection, health and the environment and also for security of products, quick and flexible access to reliable information. Allows not only monitor observance of regulatory requirements, but also to exercise integrated management of the operational risks connected with ecology, labor protection and the security regulation and also to solve the problems connected with corporate initiatives of sustainable development.

The solution allows to automate all processes on labor protection in the organizations. Using this solution it is possible to create hierarchy of jobs with indication of necessary characteristics (harmful factors, surcharges and privileges, individual protection equipment and others), to organize and control the processes connected with routine inspections or surveys of employees. This solution allows to provide system approach to holding actions for improvement of working conditions and automatic formation of obligatory forms on accounting of occupational injuries.

Automation of these processes in the organization allows to simplify observance of the standards connected with labor protection on production, to pvysit the work security level, to provide control of expenditure of SIZ, to reduce the risks connected with formation of the consolidated statements on injury rate and labor protection, to provide conditions for acceptance of important management decisions in the field of labor protection. The solution can be integrated with other SAP solutions and the systems of third-party producers. The solution completely corresponds to the legislation and adapts under specifics of activity of the specific company.

According to Sergey Shishov, the CEO of EVOLA company, comfortable and safe working conditions - one of the pacing factors influencing employees productivity. Providing such conditions is based on the exact, transparent and complete information about accidents, injuries, etc. which allows to understand the reasons of the event and to be focused on acceptance of adequate measures. This information is often difficult available because of what the companies can incur essential losses owing to accidents, a withdrawal of products and violation of environmental standards. The SAP solution SAP EHS Management entering a complex of the SAP solutions Business Suite allows to construct effective support system of these processes.