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CA Virtual Privilege Manager

Developers: CA Technologies
Date of the premiere of the system: July, 2010
Technology: Firewall

In July, 2010 the CA Technologies company released the fifth product in a series of the solutions for centralized operation resources in the virtualized infrastructure. The packet of CA Virtual Privilege Manager serves as a superstructure to the service console, limiting access to management tools in accurate compliance with powers of the employee using the console.

Except a packet of Virtual Privilege Manager, in the CA Virtual Infrastructure Management Suite series the products CA Virtual Assurance, CA Virtual Automation, CA Virtual Configuration and CA Virtual Assurance for Infrastructure Managers were also released.

The packet of Virtual Privilege Manager controls access to the service console using which administrators and managers manage start and work of hypervisors. In a case with a hypervisor of VMware ESX Server the service console can be considered the basic operation system created based on Linux.

According to representatives of CA, with a packet of Virtual Privilege Manager the service console becomes more protected. Each administrator gets access only to those virtual machines and control functions which are necessary for it for accomplishment of direct duties. The packet of Privilege Manager controls the server where the hypervisor works, and warns about all ports which are not used, but are left open – such ports can become the potential canal for unauthorized access or date leaks. Also the packet of Privilege Manager checks existence of any excess processes started over the service console, indicating activity which should not be in this system. Besides, this packet controls observance of instructions for protection of systems which exist for any hypervisors.

Also the CA company announced the beginning of deliveries of earlier announced packet of CA Virtual Assurance which diagnoses any problems arising in virtual environment and then offers recommendations about permission of these problems. The packet of Virtual Assurance can make the analysis of causes and effect relationships and selection of standard recommendations about troubleshooting.