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Tianjin ZhengTian Medical Instrument




Tianjin ZhengTian Medical Instrument is a Chinese manufacturer of orthopedic products. The company offers breast and lumbar implants, hip prostheses, solutions for sports medicine, surgical tools, etc.


2022: Entering the Russian market

At the end of January 2022, Tianjin ZhengTian Medical Instrument entered into an agreement with Schwabe Holding aimed at promoting and selling medical products for traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery, as well as other medical equipment in Russia. In the framework of cooperation, the partners also agreed on joint participation in scientific, educational, social and other events.

Schwabe - Moscow Executive Director Viktor Gukezhev and Tianjin ZhengTian Medical Instrument representative Tszyu Rung Lin
Schwabe - Moscow, as part of the holding, is responsible for the sale and service of civilian products. The accumulated experience of the specialists of this subsidiary makes it possible to readily assert that the new partnership will prove to be productive for both parties in the very near future, "said Vadim Kalyugin, First Deputy General Director of Schwabe, Director of Production and Industrial Policy, commenting on the deal with the Chinese company.

The document was signed by the executive director of Schwabe - Moscow as part of the Holding Viktor Gukezhev and the representative of Tianjin ZhengTian Medical Instrument Tszyu Rung Lin. The details of the company's agreement at the end of January 2022 did not disclose.

By 2022, Russia is experiencing an upward trend in the orthopedic goods market, which supports an increase in the risk of the spread of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in old age, as well as the growing popularity of the healthy lifestyle trend. More and more consumers turn to orthopedic salons for sports injuries or, on the contrary, preemptively buy orthoses to fix problematic muscles and joints.[1]
