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KidneyHealth​ Mobile app for people with kidney disease

Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/02/01
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare

Main articles:

2022: Presentation KidneyHealth

On February 1, 2022, the Government of the Republic of Sakha reported that a mobile KidneyHealth application is being developed in the Republic of Sakha to help people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) form an individual nutrition plan in accordance with the results of the tests.

Members of the application creation team KidneyHealth

The application will need to introduce the results of general and biochemical blood tests - under these indicators, the AI-based system will make up a suitable diet. The service also contains the necessary reference information about the disease, recipes for dishes, a meter to maintain water balance. The solution is created for patients with renal diseases, for those undergoing hemodialysis and for people with transplanted kidneys. On February 1, 2022, a prototype of the KidneyHealth service is ready. The team participates in the Yakut pre-accelerator "B8," where it develops a business model of the project.

"A hemodialysis patient should take biochemistry and a general blood test every month, take medications prescribed by a doctor and follow a diet. Following nutritional guidelines is vital. For example, increasing potassium in the blood can lead to death. Digital assistant in the form of an application will systematize all recommendations and follow them, "-

shared Klara Popova, project manager, student of the 11th grade of MBOU "Namskaya ulus gymnasium named after N.S.Okhlopkov."

The idea of ​ ​ development was born when eleventh graders participated in the Yakut International Research School at the Lesser Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). At first, eleventh graders developed an application that would recommend products and dishes for the prevention of iron deficiency anaemia, pancreatitis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, but in the process of work they reoriented the application to a more specific audience - patients with CKD.

The startup supports and advises the creator of the social project for dialysers "Hope for the Future" Natalia Karataeva. Previously, she underwent dialysis, was completely cured, created a dialysis community in Yakutsk, where people with CKD support each other morally and exchange important information.

In Yakutia, all the necessary conditions have been created for schoolchildren who take the initiative in creating their own projects. Such major republican events as the contest "My Profession - IT" are held annually in the region, children's technology parks operate, as well as accelerators and pre-accelerators work, where teams of schoolchildren and students can realize the idea of ​ ​ the product and work out a business model. There are thirteen municipal children's technology parks in the republic, as well as one mobile children's technology park, which moves through the regions of the republic. By 2024, the republic aims to increase the share of specialists employed in the IT industry to ten thousand people.


Application Web Page KidneyHealth​