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RCC: Satellite Data Acceleration Technology

Developers: Russian Space Systems (RCS)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/02/02
Branches: Space industry
Technology: Satellite communications and navigation

Main article: Space satellites of the world

2022: Creation of Satellite Data Compression Technology

On February 2, 2022, the Russian Space Systems company (RKS, part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) announced that its engineers were creating a special mathematical algorithm that would compress data transmitted from Earth remote sensing satellites (DHS) 10 times. This Russian technical solution will allow, without the cost of introducing additional on-board devices and modules, to increase the volume and speed of information transmitted from orbit . The technology can be implemented using "smart" ultra-large integrated circuits developed in the PCC.

With the development of satellite remote sensing systems, the volume of data received from spacecraft has increased, which increases the requirements for their on-board equipment. First of all, this applies to the characteristics of high-speed radio links: it is on them that the transmission rate and the amount of information depends. At the beginning of February 2022, the speed has already reached several gigabits per second, but this is the limit, while promising systems require an increase in throughput.

In, computers,, Internet smartphones cameras, video cameras, many data compression algorithms are used - ZIP, RAR, BZip2, JPEG/JPEG2000. However, they are not widely used in space technology, since compressed information transmitted over the radio link during subsequent decoding gives a large percentage of errors. To avoid this, it is required processing of high-speed information flows using high-performance computing resources, but for on-board satellite equipment they are very limited.

It is impossible to achieve an increase in performance by conventional methods - topical high-speed radio links almost reached the Shannon boundary (limits on the maximum data rate through a channel with a given level of interference). To increase throughput and transmit large amounts of information, the introduction of additional on-board instruments and modules is required, which leads to an increase in the cost of the spacecraft, weight and energy consumption, all other things being equal, and can also reduce the overall reliability of the on-board radio link equipment. In conditions of limited on-board resources, this option is extremely undesirable or completely unacceptable.

"An alternative will be the development of special adaptable and flexible data compression algorithms that take into account the specifics of on-board space equipment. Such an algorithm can be implemented on remote sensing spacecraft, including those transmitting large volumes of data to Earth such as Resource, Condor, since the most promising is the technology for compressing optical images that occupy the largest amount of transmitted information and can be compressed without loss, "

says Alexander Mordvinov, head of the department for the development of digital-analog equipment of the RKS.

The technology created in the RKS will make it possible to increase the volume of transmitted information from 1.2 to 10 times without changing the design of remote sensing spacecraft. Such algorithms are used in some foreign spacecraft, but they process data either with loss or with a low compression ratio. Russian engineers will use a special adaptive mathematical algorithm that will allow you to archive information transmitted by spacecraft directly in orbit, significantly reducing its size.

The technology is developed taking into account the features of optical-electronic equipment, the structures of transmitted data, as well as methods and algorithms for their compression. This will make it possible to avoid information loss while increasing data transfer speed and volumes. The electronic component base, produced including by the RKS holding, allows you to effectively implement this technical solution using computing power on board spacecraft.

See also