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Rosdorservice (RDS-Usluga)

Customers: Rosdorservice (Rosdormonitoring)

Moscow; Government and social institutions

Contractors: IBS
Product: RDS-Usluga

Project date: 2009/09

The IBS company implemented the project on creation of an automated system of issue of special permissions to automobile transportation of large-size and heavy loads for Rosdorservice Federal State Institution. The automated system is intended for transfer to an electronic form of process of rendering public service of providing special permissions. Access to service is provided via the portal.

A new system is developed for execution of the Order of Government of the Russian Federation No. 1555-r of October 17, 2009 about transition to providing public services in electronic form. The "Center of Monitoring of Safe Operation of Highways of Federal Road Agency" (Rosdorservice Federal State Institution) Federal state institution which executes functions on registration and issue of special permissions to transportation across public highways of the Russian Federation in the international message will become the user of a new system.

To provide providing public service in electronic form the specialized automated system "RDS-Usluga" is developed. Based on the first stage of works completed in June, the automated system is integrated with the portal of state services: its users can obtain information on providing service now, fill and send the request for issue of permission, and then keep track of the status of accomplishment directly from the personal account. Data exchange is implemented using the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction serviced by the operator of the electronic government of JSC Rostelecom.

At the second and third stages of works it is going to perform process automation of approval of the issued permissions from 25,000 approving organizations and executive authorities. In general a system with the following functionality will become a result of the project:

  • acceptance and processing of requests in electronic form;
  • storage of electronic versions of statements and the provided documents;
  • providing information on the status of rendering state service;
  • possibilities of departure of requests in the bodies agreeing on transportation (DOBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Railway and others) electronically;
  • storage of electronic document revisions of approval and special permissions;
  • monitoring of statistics of statements and the issued permissions in different cuts.

The information security and safety of data of a System is provided with specialized mechanisms of data protection and backup and also due to completion of a specialized software of Rosdorservice Federal State Institution. In addition to creation of a system specialists of IBS perform training of staff of Rosdorservice Federal State Institution. The project is going to be completed at the end of September. The company acquired the right to execute the project based on an open competition of Federal Road Agency.

At the beginning of 2012, less than in a month since launch in Russia of an automated system of issue of permissions to road haulage of large-size and heavy loads carriers began to complain of it to the authorities. In particular, "Consolidation of carriers of Siberia" on behalf of his head Vyacheslav Trunayev addressed with the open letter about it the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The complete text of the letter can be read here.

By the Russian legislation permission for transportation of heavy and large-size loads is required to be received both legal, and to individuals. For transportation of such loads without special permission penalties rely. The automated system allows to submit the application for obtaining permission via the portal of state services, however to receive it, the applicant should be personally in the local management responsible for its issue.

In the letter to Putin authors claim that they because of incorrect work of this system of cargo transportation on the whole country were almost completely blocked. In the address it is said that in the regional governments responsible for registration and issue of permissions, "input of statements in this program is extremely complicated because of multiple errors", caused by the different reasons, "including, low competence of the developer enterprise".

A system of which carriers complain was developed by IBS according to the government contract with Rosdorservice - the organization subordinated to Rosavtodor. It had to transfer state service in issue of such permissions to an electronic form. The functionality of a system assumes acceptance of the request on the Internet. Bodies which are related to issue of permissions should communicate among themselves in electronic form. Work on the IBS project of the beginning in 2010. According to the deputy director of Rosdorservice Denis Rysev, the cost of a system was about 50 million rubles.

It was supposed that a system will allow to accelerate process of obtaining permissions. However, as stated in the open letter of cargo carriers to Putin, with introduction to operation at the beginning of 2012 permission it became more difficult to receive it – now it is longer necessary to wait for it.

"Not ready to a program runtime almost complete paralyzing of cargo transportation over the country and also the operation of the construction equipment which is heavyweight and requiring obtaining special permission to its movement was result of putting into operation", - it is told in the letter of "Consolidation of carriers of Siberia". According to authors of the letter, as a result of incorrect system operation delivery of socially important loads is stopped: fuels and lubricants, agricultural, utility, military equipment, etc.

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