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MegaFon improves contact with subscribers using the system of outgoing call-down

Customers: MegaFon

Moscow; Telecommunications and Communications

Contractors: Asteros
Product: Avaya Proactive Contact

Project date: 2010/08

In contact centers of MegaFon company creation of a system of outgoing call-down on the Avaya Proactive Contact platform is complete. The project was executed by Asteros company.

The project started at the end of 2008 with comprehensive examination of IT infrastructure in contact centers of seven branches of customer organization. Specialists of integrator analyzed requirements of each regional company for necessary number of jobs of a new system and developed the recommendations about hardware upgrade and software of contact centers. Also the scenarios of carrying out call-down created taking into account their features and tasks were developed for separate contact centers.

The system of outgoing call-down contains in total about 120 jobs. The functionality of the solution allows:

  • make setup of strategy of outgoing call-down;
  • conduct automatic call-down of clients;
  • to automatically display customer information, to transfer calls to other operators, to appoint a ringing;
  • to manage in real time all campaign of outgoing call-down and to trace performance of operators.

"The implemented system of outgoing call-down will help MegaFon to turn contact center into the center of profit earning and will provide fast return of investments into its upgrade. Economic effect is reached by two methods. On the one hand the system of outgoing call-down allows to work proactively with clients and to increase sales volume, with another – the solution helps to optimize work of contact center at call-down and, thus, to control operating costs", – Valery Sokolyuk, the director of the department of telecommunication solutions of Asteros company comments.