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Solar appScreener helped Global Information Security put into commercial operation more than 20 information facilities

Customers: Global information systems

Nur-Sultan; Information technology

Product: Solar appScreener (formerly Solar inCode)

Project date: 2021/09  - 2022/03

2022: Commissioning of more than 20 informatization facilities using Solar appScreener

On March 10, 2022, Rostelecom-Solar announced that the Global Information Security testing laboratory uses a static Solar appScreener application security analyzer to conduct testing work to analyze compliance with information security requirements. The company uses a tool to check the source code of customers for compliance with current regulatory requirements. The integrator of AST Cyber Lab LLP became a partner of the project.

According to the order of the Minister of digital development, a defensive and space promyshlennostirespublika Kazakhstan, confirmation of safety of the analysis of the source code of an object of informatization - one of requirements for reception of an information system in commercial operation.

Objects subject to mandatory tests for compliance with information security requirements include service, software products information and communication platforms, "e-government"- Internet resources and information systems state of bodies, information systems classified as critical objects of information and communication infrastructure, non-state information systems for the formation of state electronic information resources, the implementation of state functions and the provision of public services.

"Within two years, we tested information systems for compliance with information security requirements and put into industrial operation more than 20 informatization facilities. When the question of choosing a code analyzer arose in the company, we preferred the 'Rostelecom-Solar' solution thanks to its intuitive management system, a large search database, vulnerabilities a separate classification of unauthorized access vulnerabilities, support for more than 30 programming languages ​ ​ and, of course, binary analysis. Our team especially appreciated the extensive product capabilities and operational support of the vendor and distributor on all technical issues, "

notes Erbol Mұkhanbetalin, Director of Global Information Security LLP

"Regulatory requirements are tightened in proportion to the complexity of the cyber threat landscape. Test labs need a single tool that combines advanced vulnerability detection algorithms and NDV in code and supports the maximum number of programming languages ​ ​ and executable file formats, "

notes Daniil Chernov, director of the Solar appScreener center of Rostelecom-Solar