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The first city clinical hospital Ivanovo switched to the OS Astra Linux

Customers: 1st City Clinical Hospital (1 GKB), Ivanovo

Product: Astra Linux Special Edition

Project date: 2021/12  - 2022/03
Number of licenses: 185

2022: Migrating to Astra Linux

On March 21, 2022 the Astra Group company reported about successful migration of 185 the automated jobs (AJ) of personnel in regional budgetary institution of health care "1st city hospital" (BURDENS 1 GKB) in Ivanovo on the operating room sistemuastra Linux Special Edition. The Russian OS is installed on the AWS of doctors, administrative personnel, etc. - almost all employees.

1st City Clinical Hospital

According to the company, the migration of the hospital infrastructure to the Astra Linux OS was implemented by experts of UC Profi LLC. The transition to the updated platform took place almost in the background: the customer's medical information system, built on the basis of 1C solutions, was successfully integrated with the operating system, and the staff felt almost no changes, since the workspace remained the same. The system administrators of the hospital took over further maintenance of the PC fleet, and the vendor plans to assist the institution with drivers to work with specialized laboratory  equipment.

As a result of the work, end users received several features at once. The degree of security of the entire IT system has increased, since the built-in SIS OS allows you to optimize its security level at the platform level, as well as fulfill the requirements set out in the federal law "On Personal Data" from 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ and imposed on IT solutions at critical information infrastructure facilities.

For us, this project is important in that it is the first full-fledged migration of the medical institution of the region to domestic software. Astra Linux completely closed the customer's tasks and installed without problems on the ARM. Colleagues from Astra Group of Companies always provide support and are constantly in touch.

noted Mishin Ilya, General Director of LLC UC Profi

We are grateful to our colleagues from UC Profi for the implemented migration, which ensured the continuous and proper operation of the customer's IT systems. The infrastructure of the covid hospital based on OBUZ 1 GKB was originally built on the Astra Linux OS, and now the hospital has a single information environment.

said Anton Rudevsky, director of the department for working with partners of Astra Group of Companies