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Republican Oncological Dispensary of Saransk




2022: Opening of an oncopolyclinic for 1.4 billion rubles

In March 2022, the opening of a new polyclinic building of the Republican Oncological Dispensary took place in Saransk. The institution is designed for 200 visits per shift, about 1.4 billion rubles were invested in the project, including 80% of the federal budget.

A four-story building with an area of ​ ​ more than 9.5 thousand square meters was built as part of the regional project "Fight against Cancer" of the national project "Healthcare." The institution includes a nine-seat intensive care unit.

In Saransk opened an oncopolyclinic for 1.4 billion rubles

It is noted that the laboratories and the X-ray department are equipped with modern diagnostic equipment, which allows you to diagnose lesions at the earliest stages. Thanks to the equipment of the operating unit, endoscopic laparoscopic interventions can be carried out, providing patients with a minimum recovery period. It is specified that the opening of a new building will increase the number of doctors conducting outpatient appointments, and therefore help more patients.

The emergence of a modern oncologic dispensary in the region in the fight against coronavirus infection once again proves that the Russian health system successfully copes with the challenges and gets its development by creating a new infrastructure despite overloads lasting more than two years... The new clinic has everything that is necessary to provide high-class care to patients with oncopathology, as well as for its early diagnosis, "said Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko in a video message.

The chief freelance oncologist of the Ministry of Health of Mordovia, Georgy Vesnushkin, said that the polyclinic department successfully copes with the main task - early diagnosis of the disease.[1]
