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Developers: Zirvan
Technology: BPM,  EDMS


The electronic document management system of jDocFlow is intended for automation of processing of electronic documents and creation of uniform electronic storage of documents. A system belongs to the class of platform solutions on business process management (BPM).

The majority of "boxed" programs of document flow are focused, as a rule, on solving of tasks of office and automation of office-work. In difference from them, the electronic document management system of jDocFlow provides complex automation business of processing of different types of documents. Having flexible functionality, a system allows to automate management of documents in banks, insurance companies, the trade and production organizations.

Use of a system allows to provide to the organization such competitive advantages as fast decision making on key questions, secure and quick access to documents and up-to-date analytical information.

The automation system of electronic document management allows

  • Organize electronic storage of documents with a possibility of context search.
  • Increase quality of processing of electronic documents.
  • Accelerate processes of consideration and approval.
  • Automate office-work.
  • Ensure functioning with documents on thin communication channels via the Web interface.
  • Increase the level of information security.
  • Minimize risks of loss of information.
  • Analyze quality of processing of documents.

Functionality of an electronic document management system of jDocFlow

A system allows to automate management of documents in banks, insurance companies, the trade and production organizations. Effective automation of document handling are provided thanks to the following main functionality of a system:

  • Graphic designer of business processes.
  • Support of standard routes and templates (MS Word, Excel).
  • Input of documents from different sources (e-mail, scanners and so forth).
  • Possibility of control and comparison of document revisions.
  • On-line monitoring of all stages of lifecycle of documents.
  • Full-text search for documents on contents of files.
  • Mechanisms of control of terms of document handling.
  • Formation of notifications on different events.
  • Flexible configuration of equivalent circuits of the absent employees.
  • Active Directory integration and MS Exchange.
  • Support of the electronic digital signature (EDS).
  • Setup of access rights using roles, business functions and signature stamps of access.
  • Audit and recording of all events.
  • The Workflow mechanism for management of instructions.
  • The WEB INTERFACE for work in the remote mode.
  • Support of industrial ORACLE and MSSQL Server DBMS.

Principles of system operation

In jDocFlow electronic document management system the basic concepts are Document, Task, Folder and Contact. The document represents the electronic card containing all details of the document and information on stages of its processing. It is possible to attach files of any types with a possibility of preserving and comparison of versions to the document. The document can be signed with the help of the electronic digital signature (EDS). Processing of the document can be performed along the tough standardized routes, by the principle of free routing or on the hybrid circuit combining advantages of tough and any routes.

All main operations with the document – consideration, approval, a statement, registration and execution are performed using tasks (instructions). On each order it is possible to determine completion date, to give additional instructions and comments, to record result of execution. The resolution, the comment, files and also the separate document with the scheme of processing can be result.

Electronic cards of documents and tasks are stored in Personal or Shared virtual folders in the form of links that allows to avoid duplication at document storage and also to organize convenient access to the general documents of divisions. For quick search of necessary documents the possibility of dynamic grouping and filtering on different fields is used.

In a system the complete information about all participants of processing of the document is saved. Detailed information not only on organizational and regular structure and the staff of the organization, but also information on external partners, including on senders and receivers of documents is stored in the hierarchical reference book of contacts.

Creation of electronic documents

The type of a screen form of a card of the electronic document depends on type and a document type. When entering the document the user fills the main fields, including the summary and the attached files. The possibility of import of information from scanners, faxes and e-mail is provided. A part of attributes is autocompleted. Depending on a document type and from division which employee is the author the standard template of processing of the document is automatically determined. It allows to accelerate significantly creation of the document and to minimize possible errors.

In the presence at the author of necessary powers, he can correct the scheme of processing of the document, for example, to change the sheet of approval, to add new reviewers, to change structure and the sequence of execution of operations according to the document.

Also there is a possibility of establishment of reciprocal relationships between documents (for example, between the generated and initial document) with a possibility of fast transition using hyperlinks. After sending the electronic document necessary instructions form on route and issued. At the same time if according to the scheme of processing the author should execute at once the following order (for example, to register the document), for the purpose of saving of time automatic opening of the corresponding form for accomplishment of this order is provided in a system.

At issue of order according to the document in a document folder of the employee the link to the document, and is included in the folder of tasks - the link to instructions. References to documents can be also placed in Shared folders of divisions and also in different magazines of registration.

Context search of documents

Document retrieval can be performed according to all details of a card of the electronic document – to the name, date, the author, registration number, a status and other attributes. Existence of the hierarchical qualifier of document types allows to accelerate in addition search of necessary documents due to refining of search condition.

In a system full-text context search according to contents of the attached files is supported. With its help it is possible to find quickly necessary documents, for example, all internal orders containing the word "EDS". The mechanism of context search also allows to look for documents by the words which are contained in document description.

Additional system capability is the search capability not only electronic documents, but also information on the instructions issued on them.

Management business by processing of documents

Setup business of processing of documents is performed using the graphic designer. With its help it is possible to configure any rules of passing of the document on route. The designer supports serial-to-parallel transactions, conditional routing, branching, merge and cycles. There is an opportunity to configure a certain sequence of processing units (for example, permitting to approve the document only after its approval), in which it is possible to permit free routing. Such combination of different methods of routing allows to standardize the settled business processing of certain document types and to leave from need of permanent correction of typical circuits for accounting of features of processing of separate documents.

At setup of standard routes the possibility of automatic detection of contractors of instructions is rather useful. For example, use of the rule "My Head" will allow to enter automatically to the approval sheet of the direct head of the author of the document, and use of the rule "The Choice of the Contractor on a Position" - to define the employee holding at present the set position in a certain division.

Also there is a possibility of automatic creation of the documents including created on the basis of data of the initial document. For example, on the basis of the agenda of a meeting its protocol can be created.