Customers: Open Star Moscow; Logistics and distribution Contractors: 1C:VDGB Product: 1C: Trade Management 8На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2010/08
Number of licenses: 5
The Open Star distribution company automated a trade inventory control based on the 1C: Trade Management 8 software product. Implementation is implemented by 1C:VDGB company.
The Open Star company — is a distributor of the innovative technologies and goods of consumer electronics. Provides partners with highly profitable and technological goods. Professional commodity marketing and wishes of clients, allow to offer the most demanded goods of the innovation producers, at the expense of it the offered company services of "Open Star" have good demand at consumers. Thanks to increase in the occupied share in the market, there was a need for automation of work of accounting service. Professional consultation of specialists of "1C:VDGB" helped Orlova Natalya, the Chief accountant of Open Star LLC, to select the suitable software product capable to solve assigned tasks. The 1C:VDGB configuration became the most relevant solution: The management reporting from the accountant which allowed to automate the following functionality:
- Possibility of operational management of money and formation of payment schedules: planning of payments by payment dates, checking accounts and priorities and a possibility of control of payments and receipts using the performance report of the payment schedule;
- Management reporting: report generation about profits and losses, report generation "Managerial balance", report generation "Plan-fact balance analysis".
1C:VDGB program: The management reporting from the accountant is the complete solution developed on 1C: Enterprise platform 8.2 and intended for automation of management accounting of the small enterprises in which maintaining and formation of the management reporting lies on the accountant. On the basis of accounting data the 1C:VDGB program: The management reporting from the accountant allows the accountant:
- Organize conducting management accounting;
- Receive forms of the financial management reporting;
- Plan budgets;
- Obtain data from external information systems.
The configuration is created first of all for use by accountants of the enterprises to whose duties conducting accounting and tax accounting, drawing up budgets and also formation of the financial management reporting at the enterprise at the same time belongs. Orlova Natalya, the Chief accountant of Open Star LLC in the official letter gave a response about work of specialists of 1C:VDGB company: "Our Open Star LLC company, expresses gratitude to staff of 1C:VDGB company for successful implementation of the 1C:VDGB software product: The management reporting from the accountant. Undoubted result is the fact that now at the level of managing directors there is an access to primary information that allows to guarantee reliability of the reporting and increases efficiency of control. This result validated the choice of the software product and the partner in automation" Delivery and installation of the software product were executed timely. Initial consultation on work with the program and free demonstration of its functional features is rendered. 5 jobs are automated. The Open Star LLC company issued preferential support of 1C:ITS.