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Selectel DDoS Attack Protection Service

Developers: Selectel
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/04/25
Technology: IB - Firewalls

Main article: Firewall

2022: Launch DDoS Protection

Protection is provided when:

  • equipment placement,
  • leasing dedicated servers,
  • placing the infrastructure in the certified data center segment,
  • using services from the Selectel cloud platform.

Continuous monitoring with a solution from Selectel will help you quickly and timely register a DDoS attack. This will allow you to react to it without completely blocking the IP address and minimize downtime risk for customers.

{{quote 'Denial of service attack is one of the most popular types of attacks on IT infrastructure. Its meaning lies in a sharp increase in traffic per resource, as a result of which real users cannot access it, "said Alexander Tugov, director of service development at Selectel. - In March 2022, the number of such attacks, according to Selectel, increased 4 times compared to the previous month. At the same time, the number of unique IP addresses on which attacks were recorded increased by about 2.5 times. DDoS attacks significantly increase the load on network infrastructures and professionals working with security services. In this regard, it became necessary to launch a solution that can protect our customers from such malicious actions. }}

The Selectel DDoS Attack Response System provides L3-L4 level protection to ensure customer service availability. The solution blocks SYN flood, UDP flood, ICMP flood, and UDP-based reflection attacks . If an attack is detected, the protection will not block the entire client IP address: only traffic related directly to the DDoS attack will be filtered.

The system can provide protection against attacks up to hundreds of Gb/s. In case of more complex or extensive attacks, it is recommended to connect more advanced protection services from company partners.