Developers: | INNOVA Solutions |
Technology: | EDMS |
Systems capabilities
Management of electronic documents is Creation, change, storage and search of different electronic documents (the Microsoft Office files, AutoCad drawings, graphics of PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, audio, video and so forth). An expanded card of the electronic document with a possibility of entering of data from reference books; consolidation of files within one electronic document; management and control of versions; a document structuring according to folders and setup of a type of display in folders; sending documents on an internal system of messages; history of work with documents; multifunction document retrieval.
Management of Internet documents is Creation and change of links to the Internet/intranet resources with a possibility of attachment of an unlimited number of files: management of storage life, adding of summaries for the created Internet document and for each file attached to it, function of printing.
Management of Partners is Creation, change and the structured data output about partners, a possibility of adding of partners to documents, a detailed card of the partner, function of printing of a card of the partner.
The system of messages - Thanks to a new organization structure the SELDO 3.0 system will allow to deliver necessary quickly the document, the file or the message for other user. During creation of the document his receivers to whom it will be without delay available after its registration in a system are specified.
Document registration is the Possibility of registration in the system of all loaded files and already created documents; creation of the electronic document with files or without with automatic assignment to it numbers depending on its type: entering, outgoing, internal; adding of the file to the available electronic document, Structurization of the registered documents in the magazine of registration, selection of the unregistered files and electronic documents.
Geographically distributed work - the SELDO System can effectively integrate geographically distributed offices, branches and users in the unified information system with the centralized information warehouse. A client part of a system provides access directly via the Internet with a possibility of use of the protected connection (which is configured in the center of administration) or through VPN.
Center of administration SELDO - The SELDO System has own center of administration and management of settings which is tied to a server part of a system. The center of administration allows to change settings of connection and the location of the central storage, to set the number of versions for automatic preserving, to configure enciphering of storage one of algorithms at choice, to manage backup.
System requirements - For ensuring normal functioning of a system it is recommended to adhere to requirements imposed to the equipment and the software for a server part and jobs.
Windows integration - SELDO is constructed based on. net Framework platform 2.0 with use the .NET Remoting component. As the database server Microsoft SQL Server of 2005 is used. For stable system operation up to 50 users of Express Edition which is rather freely extended by Microsoft SQL Server corporation 2005 which enters delivery of the SELDO system. * For the companies with the number of users over 50 are recommended to use SQL Server of 2005 Standard Editions.