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2022/08/31 14:16:05




Metabolic fatty liver disease detected in a third of the world's population

At the end of August 2022, scientists from the National University of Singapore and the University of Adelaide in Australia published data on the prevalence of metabolically associated fatty liver disease. According to experts, a third of the world's population has such a problem. Read more here.

Smartphone-connected device for controlling the burning of carbohydrates and fats released

In August 2022, it became known about the sales of the Lumen Metabolism Tracker device, which allows you to receive real-time information about how much carbohydrates or fats the user burns. The device was developed by Lumen. Read more here.

ITMO has developed a service for analyzing cellular metabolism

Bioinformatics ITMO developed service for the analysis of cellular metabolism - biochemical reactions responsible for the vital activity of cells - Shiny GATOM. Unlike analogues, the proposed tool considers cellular processes at the deepest level - not only at the level of substances and, genes but also at the level of atoms. This was reported by the press service of ITMO University on June 14, 2022. This facilitates the interpretation of the results. The service will be useful for solving problems biology in and - to medicine for example, it can help in the development drugs against autoimmune diseases and. cancer More. here

Wearable microneedle gadget released to track metabolism

In mid-May 2022, specialists from the University of California, San Diego presented a wearable device that uses a disposable microneedle patch to continuously select and analyze interstitial fluid in order to control metabolism. The novelty can measure glucose, alcohol and lactate levels, which can be useful information for patients with diabetes. The device has already begun to be used in clinical practice. Read more here.
