Customers: Yugptitseprom Contractors: Business of IT (Stavropol) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2010/03 - 2010/08
Number of licenses: 19
The Yugptitseprom group implements in Krasnodar Krai the investment project on increase in production of fowl in 2009-2012 by reconstruction and construction of new production capacities, creates a livestock complex of a closed loop. Works are implemented within the priority national project Development of HSC in The Accelerated Development of Livestock Production direction and is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Administration of Krasnodar Krai.
Slaughter of broilers the largest Southern Federal District hi-tech plant on slaughter and processing of a bird. The plant was under construction using the advanced European technologies, has no analogs in the south of Russia.
Creation of the single automated system of accounting allowing to increase significantly quality of asset management, to analyze financial results of group and also to predict production became one of strategic tasks of manufacturing enterprise. For a work on system implementation the Business of IT group was selected.
In March, 2010 preproject examination as a result of which the decision on system implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" was made was conducted. The possibility of accounting in a system at high technology level according to requirements of the Russian legislation became one of the main criteria when choosing the software product.
Preproject inspection of the enterprise was performed on all sections of accounting:
- The economic transactions turning activity of the company were defined.
- Schemes of document flow on the main sections of accounting are made.
- The list of functions of each user is made.
- The individual training program of users is developed.
Specialists of Business of IT company carried out an inspection and setup of reference books in terms of correctness of further conducting accounting and tax accounting, the following lists were made:
- list of cost items,
- list of cash flow items,
- list of other income and expense items.
For the enterprise own types of payroll are configured.
In the project progress the following functional completions of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 system were executed:
- the cost accounting subsystem regarding change of calculation of base for allocation of costs is finished;
- reflections of earnings of production workers in case of idle time or attraction on other sections of work are finished;
- printed forms of documents are finished;
- the material production report is developed;
Before operation of a system an inspection and correction of setup of constants, parameters of accounting of account policy in the system of accounting, tax and management accounting and also the HR policy was carried out.
Turnovers and opening balances on accounting and tax accounting for the beginning of April, 2010 are entered.
Individual training of users to work with the software product, according to distribution of functions is provided.
Specialists of Business of IT company carried out works on closing of April, consultation on work with the software product on accounting sections, instructions for closing of reporting periods are created, control on input of turnovers is exercised. In May trial operation of a system began and closing of reporting periods was conducted by the customer independently.
Implementation of subsystems of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product for activity automation Yugptitseprom group allowed:
- to quickly estimate efficiency,
- it is considerable to reduce time and costs for carrying out accounting transactions,
- increase transparency and quality of accounting,
- increase quality of training of the reporting under planned and actual data,
- to automatically calculate cost value of semi-finished products and finished goods,
- carry out a deep financial analysis of the enterprise,
- keep full-fledged accounting and tax accounting,
- to quickly make management decisions for benefit of active development of manufacturing enterprise.
19 jobs are automated.
"1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" is used by the following departments:
- department of information technologies,
- sales department,
- command center production,
- accounting,
- administrative and management personnel,
- department of office-work