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Izhevsk tested digital services for public transport

Customers: IzhGorElectroTrans

Contractors: Datapax
Product: Datapax: Service for forecasting stowaways and automation of control checks
Third product: Mobile application

Project date: 2021/10  - 2022/04

2022: Completion of testing of a comprehensive public transport management information system

On May 26, 2022, Datapax reported that testing of a comprehensive public transport management information system developed and presented by Datapax was completed in Izhevsk.

The pilot project was carried out on the basis of IzhGET on trolleybus route No. 4 as part of the development of urban transport in Izhevsk. The vehicle was equipped with validators for cashless fare payment. High-precision passenger flow sensors analyzed the number of passengers who entered and left.

"We are committed to providing passengers with up-to-date services to plan and travel on public transport. As part of the pilot project, the Izhevsk Transport mobile application was created, which made it possible to track the movement of urban transport online, find out the schedule, the predicted arrival time at the stop and even pay for the trip. Test tests have shown that digital solutions positively affect the comfort, safety and regulation of transportation, and also save travel time, which is quite important for each passenger, "-

noted Maxim Isaev, Deputy General Director of Datapax.

"The pilot project demonstrated the importance of developing transport IT solutions towards an integrated approach to infrastructure management, where fare payment services are considered as part of a unified transport management information system. It is this approach that will allow the carrier to get up-to-date data from routes and effectively plan its activities, and passengers have access to technological fare and navigation services, "-

emphasized Anton Badosov, General Director of the Transportation Organizer.

Residential neighborhoods are being built in Izhevsk, so the issue of developing the route network and urban transport links is quite important. In December 2021, 67 new vehicles left for city routes: semi-low-floor MAZ buses and low-floor LiAZ buses. They replaced outdated buses on a number of routes in the capital of Udmurtia. In total, over the past year, the fleet of Izhevsk has been replenished with 320 units of equipment. In the future, the city authorities plan to create convenient transport interchanges, develop interchange hubs and launch routes to microdistricts under construction.

One of the main tasks in the framework of the creation of the "Unified Transport and Digital Ecosystem" is the introduction of systems for managing transport and passenger flows in Izhevsk. At the same time, the transport industry of the city is prepared for the introduction of automated systems, and passengers - for the transition to a connectless fare payment system. This was reported by experts in November 2021.

The comprehensive solution presented by Datapax helps to collect and analyze all data, which allows you to effectively manage the city's transport system: adjust routes, form schedules, control transport work, collect revenue and stowaways. Based on the results of the pilot project, an assessment will be carried out and a further program for the development of digital services for urban passenger transport in the capital of Udmurtia will be formed.