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Dauria Aerospace Dauria Aerospace



The first Russian private producer of satellites — Dauria Aerospace. The company is founded by the being co-owner of Tehnosila network Mikhail Kokorich.


2019: Roskosmos delivered the Russian private space company on a bankruptcy edge

As CNews knew if private Russian Dauria Aerospace companies, the court's decision on the claim of Roskosmos made recently not in its advantage does not manage to appeal or will not sign the settlement agreement with state corporation, then the organization obviously will become the bankrupt. About it in August, 2019 CNews was told by the CEO of Dauria Sergei Ivanov[1].

With Roskosmos Dauria is connected by the agreement of December 20, 2012 which became problem on assembly of two midget MICRO AMPERE-N spacecrafts worth 315 million rubles. In July, 2017 the carrier rocket started from Baikonur put ready satellites to orbit. It became the Russia's first start of the satellites constructed by private company in contract from the state, however devices failed. Three months, on October 22, 2018 Roskosmos later took Arbitration court of Moscow with the requirement to terminate the agreement with Dauria and to exact from it 274.1 million rubles. At the beginning of August, 2019 judges satisfied the claim in full.

"The sum in dispute is a bankruptcy — Sergei Ivanov in a conversation with CNews noted. — But we conduct negotiations, a possibility of the settlement agreement not zero. Let's look. We will submit the appeal of course. The court made very strange decision".

It should be noted that during this trial, in May, 2019 Roskosmos filed certain classified documents then consideration of the claim was transferred to the closed mode. For this reason in a public access details about arguments of the parties and outputs of judges, and representatives of Dauria not in the right to shed light on this case owing to signed with them documents on nondisclosure of information are not provided.

2014: Announcement of the Deimos Perseus project

In May, 2014 the company announced the new project under the name Deimos Perseus implemented together with the Spanish company Elecnor Deimos.

— We are going to create the first-ever grouping of satellites providing daily shooting of all territory of Earth — Kokorich told Izvestia[2]. — Permission of pictures will be 22 m on pixel. Pictures of such quality will allow to register quickly the fires, floods, to define productivity of crops, pedigree structure of the wood, to obtain other information.

Now Elecnor Deimos is operator of one satellite of remote sensing of Earth Deimos-1. This device was manufactured by the British Surrey Satellite Technologies in 2009 and launched into an orbit by the Ukrainian Dnieper rocket. The device provides broadband shooting of the land surface with high frequency.

— At us together with Elecnor Deimos the concept is already developed and financing of the project on expansion of the Deimos-1 grouping using the devices Perseus O which are financed is started and will be made by Dauria Aerospace company — Kokorich says. — In these satellites we use the practices received in the course of creation of device DX which should start on June 19, 2014. We already began production of these devices, and by 2015 they will be ready. We are going to start them previously using the Indian PSLV rocket.

According to Kokorich, Dauria Aerospace is going to make and put to solnechnosinkhronny orbit about 650 km high of 8 Perseus O satellites. They will use the land segment created for Deimos-1: distribution network, means of receiving and processing of pictures.

— The general investments into the project will be around $20 million — Kokorich says. — Investments into a space segment will be provided by Dauria, the land segment will develop jointly. By our calculations, the project will pay off within several years.
— Our joint grouping will remove all territory of Earth daily in 2016 — Kokorich says. — As far as I know, there are no other such projects.

The member correspondent of the Russian Academy of astronautics of Tsiolkovsky Andrey Ionin considers the Deimos Perseus project interesting in terms of search of new forms of use of the remote sensing of Earth (RSE), but at the same time quite risky.

— To space shooting there was no alternative earlier, but now there comes other era — there were rather cheap opportunities to do the same by a different way — the expert noted. — Actively the direction of so-called atmospheric satellites — unmanned aerial vehicles develops. Space DZZ already is under market pressure, and it needs to be considered when developing business programs. Google and Facebook already became interested in atmospheric satellites that it points to prospects of this technology. Those who create the DZZ space groupings should realize that they will experience very fierce competition from new technologies. The competition will be first of all price that creates big risks for investors.

The term "atmospheric satellites" appeared in 2013. In Washington at the international exhibition of the Unmanned Systems 2013 unmanned aerial vehicles the Titan Aerospace company showed two high-rise pilotless devices Solara 50 and Solara 60 which it called atmospheric satellites. Each of them will be able to get on height about 20 km and to remain there up to 5 years. The devices Solara have one engine with an air screw of large diameter fed by energy of solar batteries which are placed on all surface of the atmospheric satellite. Payload for the Solara 50 model is 31 kg, and for the Solara model of 60 — 100 kg.

According to the forecast of Transparency Market Research (TMR), by 2019 global market of commercial images of the earth from space will reach the volume of $5 billion. In 2012 its volume reached the level of $2 billion. Monitoring systems of oil and gas pipelines will become the main drivers of growth, development of the insurance products and commercial services based on satellite data consider in TMR.


In October, 2013 Dauria Aerospace attracted $20 million investments from I2BF Global Ventures venture fund which was going to direct to implementation of relevant projects.
