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AWS CodeWhisperer

Developers: Amazon
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2022
Branches: Information Technology

2022: Service Launch

At the end of June 2022, Amazon launched the cloud service CodeWhisperer, which uses machine learning to generate sentences during the process of writing program code. The tool is designed to speed up software development and create training datasets for its artificial intelligence projects.

CodeWhisperer training used trillions of lines of code from open source projects, both internal repositories and various other sources. The service can generate more than ten lines of code at a time and bases its recommendations on various contextual hints. Amazon Vice President and Chief Evangelist Jeff Barr said that with CodeWhisperer, it uses many contextual hints to make recommendations, including the location of the cursor, code preceding the cursor, and code in other files in the same project.

A preliminary version of the program is available as part of the AWS IDE Toolkit, which is compatible with the integrated development environment (IDE) of each developer. In addition to numerous programming languages, including Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, Go, Ruby, and others. According to CodeWhisperer developers, the service supports many IDEs, including VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm and AWS Cloud9.

CodeWhisperer is intended for use in the design of code fragments from text entered by natural language developers into source files. The service can automatically find the necessary technologies, as well as include them in the code. CodeWhisperer can use the cloud service or other libraries if the task requires other technologies to be used in the IT project.

An addition to the CodeWhisperer service is the simplification for programmers to use the cloud platform offered by Amazon. The service simplifies tasks such as creating segments or repositories for storing data in the popular AWS Amazon S3 storage service. CodeWhisperer also integrates with the company's other services, such as AWS Lambda or Amazon EC2.[1]
