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Zolotarev Alexander Evgenievich
Zolotarev Alexander Evgenievich


2022: Receiving 9 years in prison for bribes during the construction of medical institutions

At the end of June 2022, the former deputy chairman of the Stavropol Territory, Alexander Zolotarev, received 9 years in prison for bribes during the construction of medical institutions. He will serve time in a maximum security colony. In addition, the ex-official will not be able to hold senior positions in the public service and in local governments, and will also have to pay a fine of 150 million rubles.

According to TASS, citing a statement by the Investigative Department of the TFR, from 2017 to 2019, Alexander Zolotarev received bribes worth more than 63 million rubles during the construction of medical institutions in Stavropol under a state contract, having entered into an agreement with Alexei Kogarlytsky, who replaced the post of First Deputy Minister of Construction and Architecture of the region. In January 2018, Zolotarev received a bribe from the head of the company for help in obtaining profitable construction contracts. For patronage in the service, he received two bribes from Kogarlytsky.

Kogarlytsky was previously sentenced to three years in a maximum security colony in 2022 for multimillion-dollar bribes, abuse of authority.

It is reported that Alexander Zolotarev and Alexey Kogarlytsky helped organizations that fulfilled state contracts for the construction of a new building of the regional children's clinical hospital, the medical and diagnostic building of the regional clinical cardiological dispensary and the medical and diagnostic building of the Stavropol regional oncological dispensary.

During the investigation, a criminal case was also initiated against Alexander Zolotarev under Part 4 of Art. 33, part 1 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement to commit actions by an official that clearly went beyond his powers and entailed a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of organizations). As established by the investigation, he gave illegal instructions to Kogarlytsky and ex-Deputy Minister of Construction Ivan Yakimov to sign a permit for the commissioning of the incomplete construction facility "Athletics Arena."[1]

