Contractors: Directum Product: Directum (EDMS/ECM system)Project date: 2008/10 - 2010/09
Number of licenses: 2046
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The project team from the customer | Integrator Consultant |
не указана | Krivitsky Pavel (project manager)
The DIRECTUM system used for workflow automation at the enterprises of OZNA holding is recognized by the uniform corporate standard of contract management. The first three enterprises of holding completely will transfer work with contractual documents to DIRECTUM by the beginning of 2010.
Implementation of DIRECTUM in JSC OZNA and OZNA-Management
The first implementation project of DIRECTUM started in 2008 at one of manufacturing enterprises of holding – the JSC OZNA plant. Automation of standard business processes and transactions with documents became a project objective. The plant where the need for electronic document management was particularly acute most, had to become the platform for "running in" of new technology. In a project deliverable work with memos, the centralized edition of organizational and administrative documents, work with the entering and outgoing correspondence passed into an electronic form.
Based on project deliverables in JSC OZNA and plans of further development of uniform all-corporate model of interaction, the management of holding made the decision to replicate the DIRECTUM system on the second enterprise - management company OZNA-Management LLC. Replication began in July of the 2008th and was complete in November of the same year.
According to the results of implementation, in a system in DIRECTUM more than 800 employees of OZNA-Management LLC and JSC OZNA were registered. Today their quantity constantly grows as a system dynamically develops, covering new processes and divisions.
Thanks to the DIRECTUM system in both companies processes of delivery of documents to contractors accelerated, terms of approval of documents were reduced, interaction in all business directions was optimized, all works are constructed on uniform base of electronic documents. Over time a transfer in an electronic form and a number of the works connected with maintenance of a quality management system of the enterprise (SMK) was made.
Automation of work with agreements
Good results of both projects and the modern model of interaction based on the DIRECTUM system became the good platform for expansion of automation of business of holding. Proceeding from key business needs of holding, the management of OZNA made the decision on further development of the project: automation and standardization of one more business process - contract activities.
Thus, transfer of all work of holding with contractual documents to an electronic form became the next round of automation. For this purpose the management of holding set the task to develop the replicated universal solution using which it would be possible to cover not only the plant and management company, but also all other enterprises of holding.
As a result specialists of DIRECTUM developed the software package, ready to replication, including "a matrix of powers" - the independent constantly updated interactive reference book of communications and routes of approval. "The matrix of powers" in total with the module "Contract management" of the DIRECTUM system allowed to automate completely difficult business processes during the work with contractual documents. Thanks to the flexibility and scalability, "matrix" can constantly develop, adapting under requirements of holding.
Replication of DIRECTUM on all enterprises of holding
The solution on automation of a contracted work was recognized by company management of OZNA to completely satisfying all business needs and approved as the corporate standard for all enterprises of holding. The project on distribution of this solution both on already automated enterprises of holding turned out to be consequence of adoption of the new standard, and on where electronic document management is not implemented yet.
The project started in September, 2008. Automation covered all production and service companies of holding: management company OZNA-Management LLC, manufacturing enterprises (JSC OZNA, NPP OZNA-Engineering LLC), service companies (Service Company OZNA LLC (Nizhnevartovsk) and branch of the company in. October).
Within the project some structural and technology changes which became result of consulting works of specialists of DIRECTUM are planned. So, in JSC OZNA together with new technology of work with documents there will be also new contractual a department which will support, develop and adapt new model of work with agreements to a business model of the enterprise of holding.
By the beginning of 2010 when the project is complete, the solution DIRECTUM will cover and optimizes all business processes of holding connected with creation, storage, approval, control and performance of agreements. All contractual documentation will be stored in uniform base, to be processed and be performed according to new regulations in electronic form. Thus, translation of agreements and technologies of work with them in the single manageable information system covering all holding will become the main outcome of the project.