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Research Institute Voskhod: Portable complex for recording biometric parameters for the MPSC

Developers: FSAU NII Voskhod
Last Release Date: 2022/07/07
Branches: State and social structures
Technology: Information Security - Biometric Identification

Main article: Biometric identification technologies

2022: Obtaining the Russian FSTEC Certificate of Conformity

RESEARCH INSTITUTE "SUNRISE" July 7, 2022 announced the receipt of certificate compliance FSTEC of Russia for software the "Portable biometric parameter registration complexes" for the provision of services for the issuance of foreign passports in. MPSC

With the help of this system, the service of issuing passports containing electronic media can be provided, among other things, to people with limited mobility and residents living in remote settlements.

The certificate confirms that the application software of the portable complex meets the requirements for the established level of trust, and also certifies that the information protection functions in its composition are implemented correctly.

Certified mechanisms for identification, authentication and delimitation of access, strengthened by the use of cryptographic technologies, provide protection against unauthorized access to personal data of citizens, which is especially important when on-site service outside MPSC facilities - for people with limited mobility and in other situations, - said Maxim Rymar, director of the Federal State Autonomous Institution of Research "VOSKHOD."