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Exely is an online skin diagnostic service. On the site, users need to take a free online test (about 15-17 questions, answers are analyzed by artificial intelligence) and upload their photo, after which they will have access to recommendations from a dermatologist for care and necessary facial products. If you need to get more detailed feedback, you can ask a question to the cosmetologist (the cost of consultation by July 18, 2022 is 1590 rubles). For 990 rubles, the service "Analysis of Care" is available, which includes:

  • compilation of individual comprehensive care;
  • PDF with tool recommendations and product links;
  • adjustment of care by seasons;
  • recommendations of the cosmetologist on the use of drugs;
  • questions to the cosmetologist in the chat according to the selected list of funds.

Exely in June 2022, two girls from Siberia created - the author of the Telegram channel about cosmetics "JarsDoPyatysot" (about 10,000 subscribers) Anastasia Stolts and investment analyst Tatyana Arzamastseva.


2022: Raising $100,000 from business angel Konstantin Senchenko, Angelsdeck club member

In mid-July 2022, it became known about the attraction by the startup Exely of investments in the amount of $100 thousand from the business angel Konstantin Senchenko, a member of the Angelsdeck club. The service will direct the funds received for revision, testing hypotheses to attract users and launching monetization.

According to Exely CEO Tatyana Arzamastseva, the company intends to "transfer cosmetology online" and facilitate the process of choosing care cosmetics.

Personalization based on neural networks is one of the most promising areas now. Given the relevant experience of the team in the beauty market, I consider the Exely project promising. Not only for the Russian market, but also as a global service, - said investor Konstantin Senchenko.[1]
